deltasql is a tool to synchronize databases with source code, which helps to keep database evolution under control. While developing mid-sized or big applications, developers make changes to the data model that go along with changes to the source code. From time to time, branches of source code are done to stabilize the code that will go to production. A sort of data model branch is also needed. deltasql provides a simple way to collect all scripts that change the data model and means to handle data model branches. The deltasql server runs on Apache and is backed by MySQL.
Projets liésAll-In-One Project, Amateras, MeCab, Media Player Classic - Home Cinema, Dumpper v.60.3 |
iODBC is a cross-platform Driver Manager that comforms to the Microsoft ODBC 2.x & 3.x and X/Open SQL CLI data access specs. It enables the development of database-centric solutions that are both database and platform independent. This is a great SDK for porting WIN32-based ODBC applications to Linux and other OS platforms.
Projets liésSmillaEnlarger, iReport-Designer for JasperReports, pg_bigm, TuxGuitar, Tritonn |
GeoServer is a software server that allows users to share and edit geospatial data. Designed for interoperability, it publishes data from any major spatial data source using open standards. GeoServer is the reference implementation of the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) Web Feature Service (WFS) and Web Coverage Service (WCS) standards, as well as a high performance certified compliant Web Map Service (WMS). GeoServer forms a core component of the Geospatial Web.
Projets liésMPC-BE, 円盤複写屋, Separate+, Dumpper v.60.3, Media Player Classic - Home Cinema |
Originally named Sync4j, the Funambol Mobile Application server includes a suite of tools to develop, deploy, and manage mobile projects. It includes push email functionality and is a certified implementation of SyncML (OMA DS/DM standard). It includes a mobile application server with connectors to SQL relational databases, Microsoft Exchange, Lotus Domino, and SugarCRM, applications for Outlook, Windows Mobile PocketPC, BlackBerry, Palm, and iPod for synchronizing address books and calendars, and a gateway for supporting mobile email. An SDK and an OMA DM server for remotely managing mobile devices are also included.
Projets liésMedia Player Classic - Home Cinema, Win32 Disk Imager, MPC-BE, Properties Editor, Berry Linux |
Redland is a set of C libraries providing a high-level API for the Resource Description Framework (RDF), allowing it to be stored, parsed, serialized, queried, and manipulated. It has an object-based, modular design and comes with detailed reference documentation and examples. Redland supports all RDF vocabularies such as FOAF, RSS 1.0, Dublin Core, DOAP, and OWL, the query languages SPARQL and RDQL, and all RDF syntaxes including Turtle, RDF/XML, RDF/JSON, RSS, Atom, RDFa, and GRDDL.
Projets liésDeSmuME, TERASOLUNA Framework, Amateras, Darik's Boot and Nuke, iReport-Designer for JasperReports |
gdbm is a database indexing library replacement for the traditional 'dbm' and 'ndbm' libraries. gdm is useful for those who need to write C applications and need access to a simple and efficient database.
Projets liésTritonn, SmillaEnlarger, blanco Framework, Ludia, Darik's Boot and Nuke |
MDB Tools is a library and set of utilities for reading Microsoft Access Database (MDB) files. The authors are currently seeking developers to help on the project. The package also includes a GTK-based file browser, a small SQL engine, and an ODBC driver.
Projets liésOpenOLAP, pg_bigm, Tritonn, blanco Framework, Media Player Classic - Home Cinema |
libdbi implements a database-independent abstraction layer in C, similar to the DBI/DBD layer in Perl. Writing one generic set of code, programmers can leverage the power of multiple databases and multiple simultaneous database connections by using this framework. The plugin architecture allows for new database drivers to be easily added by a third party with flexible licensing.
Projets liésAmateras, Win32 Disk Imager, MeCab, TERASOLUNA Framework, Media Player Classic - Home Cinema |
Tokyo Cabinet is a library of routines for managing a database. It is the successor of QDBM. Tokyo Cabinet runs very fast. For example, the time required to store 1 million records is 1.5 seconds for a hash database and 2.2 seconds for a B+ tree database. Moreover, the database size is very small. For example, the overhead for a record is 16 bytes for a hash database, and 5 bytes for a B+ tree database. Furthermore, the scalability of Tokyo Cabinet is great. The database size can be up to 8EB.
Projets liésProperties Editor, Win32 Disk Imager, blanco Framework, MPC-BE, TERASOLUNA Framework |
The Drizzle project is building a database optimized for Cloud and Net applications. It is being designed for massive concurrency on modern multi-CPU/core architectures. The code is originally derived from MySQL.
Projets liésWin32 Disk Imager, Firebird Manual/jpn, MeCab, PostgresForest, Tritonn |
The unixODBC project provides Unix applications with the same ODBC 3.51 API and facilities available under Windows. It provides a Driver Manager that supports the full ODBC API and performs the ODBC 3 to ODBC 2 translations with UNICODE to ANSI conversion. It also includes a set of graphical utilities that allow users to specify connections to DBMSes to be used by applications, a collection of ODBC drivers including a simple text based driver, an NNTP driver, a Postgres driver and others, and a selection of templates and libraries that to aid in the construction of ODBC drivers. It works with MySQL, Postgres, StarOffice/OpenOffice, Applixware, iHTML, PHP, Perl DBD::ODBC, and many other applications and drivers. Connection pooling is also provided to increase performance with applications such as PHP.
Projets liésOpenOLAP, Media Player Classic - Home Cinema, MPC-BE, MeCab, Dumpper v.60.3 |
My Handy Restaurant is software created to help restaurant waiters and managers in their job. Waiters can choose a restaurant table, assign orders to it and have them automatically printed on printers. "Normal" dishes can also be modified, by adding or removing ingredients. Bills can be printed automatically, even for separated bills. The accounting section allows a restaurant manager to easily administrate the whole accounting (bank accounts, employees, suppliers, income) in an easy way. Stock management is also available, and items quantity is automatically updated. The interface is handheld-sized and is written to be compatible with most handheld browsers.
Projets liésMeCab, XiaomiFirmwareUpdater, MPC-BE, blanco Framework, 独自ビルドプロジェクト |
CLIP is a Clipper/XBase compatible compiler with initial support other xBase dialects. It features support for international languages and character sets. It also features OOP, a multiplatform GUI based on GTK/GTKextra, all SIX/Comix features (including hypertext indexing), SQL and ODBC drivers, a C-API for third-party developers, a few wrappers for popular libraries (such as BZIP, GZIP, GD, Crypto, and Fcgi), a multitasking client and application server based on TCP/IP sockets, object data base utilities, and a functions library.
Projets liésMedia Player Classic - Home Cinema, Mysaifu JVM, XOOPS, Win32 Disk Imager, MPC-BE |
OpenChange intends to provide a portable implementation of the Microsoft Outlook and Microsoft Exchange protocols. That is, it provides the client and server sides of the Microsoft Exchange RPC (MAPI) protocols.
Projets liésMeCab, Amateras, OpenTween, 独自ビルドプロジェクト, MPC-BE |
The Insidious Big Brother Database (BBDB) is a contact management utility for use with GNU Emacs and XEmacs. It can hook into Emacs-based mail- and news-readers and automatically collect information on messages therein.
Projets liésWin32 Disk Imager, Properties Editor, Media Player Classic - Home Cinema, blanco Framework, PukiWiki |