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95b5116c2024-03-22 00:12:26Albert Mietus < albert AT mietus DOT nl >Agile-SIA (blog) is published
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System Message: ERROR/3 (/tmp/formatreadme-rawJRdxfj, line 17)

Unknown directive type "glossary".

.. glossary::

   Modern Engineering

      Software-engineering is a juvenile profession, with many new insights.

      Most are recently *discovered* in generic software development; like ‘the web’. And written
      in a language (both computer and human), that is very contrasting with the technology-talk of
      typical “RealTime/Embedded” engineering. And so, often rejected or not seen as relevant.

      Although their examples are too dissimular in many casses, the concepts can be useful. There is
      no valid reason not to incorporate their modern approach of software-engineering into *our*

   Sovereign Software
      All **unmanaged**, *background* software enabling modern life!

      * Traditional RealTime/Embedded software & their big successors
      * Compilers,  Kernels, Drivers, code-analysers, ...
      * Routers, PLCs, EMUs, the TCP/IP-stack, ...

      Traditionally, that “small” software was called “RealTime” and/or “Embedded”.  Currently most
      of that software isn’t *'small'* anymore, nor *‘embedded (in a product)’*. Furthermore, all
      *normal* software appears to be realtime; mostly due hardware-speedup.

      And, there is a lot of software, like (kernel)-drivers, compilers and SW-tools which
      isn’t embedded, nor realtime; but should have the quality that is equivalent to that old-
      school engineering. As everybody depends on it -- directly (sw-engineering) or indirectly (a
      bug in a compiler will effect all end-users!).


All files and ideas are (C) Albert Mietus. You may:

  • Read & study them
  • Use the ideas to improve your skills

Please use the disqus sections (below) to give your feedback and opinions.

--Albert Mietus

Tensegrity, as inspiration


Tensegrity is a synthesis of the names ‘tensional’ and ‘integrity’. It is based on “teamwork” of tension and compression forces. Although the image may look confusing, these structures are very simple. All you need are some poles, some cable, and good engineering. This results in a beautiful ‘tensegrity-tower’ where the poles almost float in the air; as shown above

It is also a well-known architectural principle for skyscrapers!

For me, it is also an inspiration for Software-Engineering: It should be based on teamwork: a synthesis of creative and verifying people. Together with a methodical way-of-working the amplify each other. Then, the sky becomes a limit, which is easy!

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