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shogi-server source

Révision l'heure Auteur
f565a12 201312-usiToCsa 2013-12-17 22:46:22 Daigo Moriwaki

Fixed issues on usiToCsa.rb.

- Corrected type of TORYO
- Corrected keep alive packet

22e18c5 2013-12-15 22:35:39 Daigo Moriwaki

* [usiToCsa] - Added a new program, which is a bridge for a USI engine to connect to the Shogi-server.

48caf92 2013-12-13 15:09:35 Daigo Moriwaki

[shogi-server] - Implemented conversion of move representation between CSA format and USI one.

a218a00 2013-11-24 20:03:00 Daigo Moriwaki

* mk_rate-from-grep, mk_rate-grep: - Removed files that are no longer used.

926c61b 2013-11-24 18:20:10 Daigo Moriwaki

* [shogi-server] - shogi-server: any bind addresses, ruby attempts to listen on both "" and "::".

Specifying "::" on Linux leads to listen on both IPv4 and IPv6, which
results in a warning message saying "Address already in use - bind(2)".

506a61c 2013-11-24 18:07:10 Daigo Moriwaki

* [shogi-server] - shogi-server: Previously, reloading in daemon mode failed on ruby 1.9.3p194. This issue has been fixed.

c84b10c 2013-11-24 12:48:34 Daigo Moriwaki

* [mk_game_results] - Fixed for reading Japanese comments under ruby1.9.3p194.

29968bc 2013-11-24 12:05:52 Daigo Moriwaki

* [shogi-server] - shogi_server/league/floodgate.rb: Improved robustness against empty file under ruby 1.9.3p194

17d5996 2013-11-23 22:48:34 Daigo Moriwaki

* [mk_rate] Now duplicated inputs are checked and skipped.

dcca1d3 2013-11-23 21:00:15 Daigo Moriwaki

test/TC_floodgate.rb Improved randomness check so that it works on Ruby 2.0.0 as well

645812f 2013-11-23 20:59:34 Daigo Moriwaki

[mk_rate] gsl library may be provided as a gem

09bf2bf 2013-11-22 21:47:59 Daigo Moriwaki

Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/wdoor-stable'


a3ef1ae 20131104 2013-11-04 18:49:32 Daigo Moriwaki

Rleased: Revision "20131104"

3fd7581 2013-11-04 18:47:58 Daigo Moriwaki

[mk_game_results] Flush after each output line.

48967e8 2013-11-04 15:05:57 Daigo Moriwaki

Merge branch '201303-yamashita_matching' into wdoor-stable


7a9b8f6 2013-11-04 13:35:02 Daigo Moriwaki

* [mk_rate] - Added a new option, --ignore, which is imported from mk_rate-from-grep.

f448625 2013-09-08 11:02:41 Daigo Moriwaki

[shogi-server] - shogi_server/{game,time_clock}.rb:
When StopWatchClock is used, "Time_Unit:" of starting messages
in CSA protocol supplies "1min".

850fc7e 2013-09-07 16:52:57 Daigo Moriwaki

Merge branch 'wdoor-stable-fork' into wdoor-stable

1f41193 2013-04-08 00:39:32 Daigo Moriwaki

shogi_server/{game,time_clock}.rb: Adds variations of thinking time calculation: ChessClock
(current) and StopWatchClock (new).

StopWatchClock, which is usually used at official games of human
professional players, is a clock where thiking time less than a
miniute is regarded as zero.
To select StopWatchClock, use a special game name with "060"
byoyomi time. ex. "gamename_1500_060".

7b9ccc1 2013-03-31 14:25:15 Daigo Moriwaki

Followed the change of the error message format.

440981d 2013-03-31 14:15:47 Daigo Moriwaki

command.rb: More elaborate error messages for the %%GAME command.

e4a0423 2013-03-31 13:44:13 Daigo Moriwaki

Improted %%FORK command.

%%FORK command: %%FORK <source_game> [<new_buoy_game>] [<nth-move>]
The new_buoy_game parameter is now optional. If it is not
supplied, Shogi-server generates a new buoy game name from

f1ee2bb 2013-03-24 22:01:51 Daigo Moriwaki

Fixed a bug which was found in a long test.

24fee22 2013-03-20 17:23:36 Daigo Moriwaki

[shogi-server] New pairing algorithm: ShogiServer::Pairing::LeastDiff

This pairing algorithm aims to minimize the total differences of
matching players' rates. It also includes penalyties when a match
is same as the previous one or a match is between human players.

It is based on a discussion with Yamashita-san on

2cd1b58 2013-03-17 14:49:40 Daigo Moriwaki

Improved %%FORK command. Thinking times of each move are also provided.

d168a77 copy 2013-02-24 17:42:43 Daigo Moriwaki

Implemented a new command: %%FORK

457848c 20121229 2012-12-30 17:24:33 Daigo Moriwaki

Backported 87d145bd1f1a14a33f5f6fbc78b63a1952f1ca90 and 2df8c798aeb7f0e77735e893fd1370c2c6f15c4d:

shogi_server/floodgate.rb: Generating next time around the new
year day by reading configuration files did not work correctly.
This issue has been fixed.

d5f1273 2012-12-30 17:18:15 Daigo Moriwaki

Backported a5c94012656902e73e00f46e7a4c7004b24d4578: test/TC_logger.rb depeneded on a specific directory where it was running on. This issues has been fixed.

eed74ba 2012-12-28 17:44:29 Daigo Moriwaki

Applied a patch from the wdoor-stable branch: Improved the logic avoiding human-human match.

> commit 81d6582813f9af7f2c23c0f056ee6960b3299e05
> Author: Daigo Moriwaki <beatles@users.sourceforge.jp>
> Date: Fri Dec 28 15:23:45 2012 +0900
> - shogi_server/pairing.rb:
> + There was a bug in the logic avoiding human-human match.
> This issue has been fixed.
> + Improved the logic avoiding human-human match. Human-human
> matches will less likely happen.

7761fbc 2012-12-28 17:21:44 Daigo Moriwaki

Merge branch 'human_vs_human' into wdoor-stable