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Révision l'heure Auteur
eff4885 42cc_4116 2012-05-15 00:02:36 Cory Johns

[#4193] Fixed unicode and quoting issue in attachments and added tests

Signed-off-by: Cory Johns <johnsca@geek.net>

e1c2a75 2012-05-15 00:02:36 Cory Johns

[#4193] Changed attachments to always download to fix security hole

Signed-off-by: Cory Johns <johnsca@geek.net>

4687fb1 2012-05-15 00:00:28 Yaroslav Luzin

ticket:20 Changed styles to look a bit nicer

9885564 2012-05-12 01:48:55 pill

ticket:20 fix all tests, i hope

088c217 2012-05-12 00:31:06 pill

ticket:20 fix ForgeGit test

0ee5376 2012-05-12 00:07:12 pill

ticket:20 look's nearly done

92fe0f1 2012-05-11 22:55:10 pill

ticket:20 strange linumbers behaviour looks fixed

3e7eb60 2012-05-11 22:30:42 pill

ticket:20 switch on pygments table line numbers + edited styles

80449f4 2012-05-11 06:58:15 Cory Johns

[#4123] Removed duplicate test from merge conflicts

Signed-off-by: Cory Johns <johnsca@geek.net>

8ba72f7 2012-05-11 06:40:41 Cory Johns

[#4123] Fixed Profile tool icon in Tools Admin

Signed-off-by: Cory Johns <johnsca@geek.net>

a9dbcb7 2012-05-11 06:40:41 bolkimen

ticket:17 test case done

b1b7275 2012-05-11 06:40:41 Dave Brondsema

[#4063] add nbhd help page for the projects macro

7add61d 2012-05-11 06:40:41 bolkimen

ticket:46 add profile menu

e6846e5 2012-05-11 06:32:05 Rick Copeland

[#3940] Make forum markdown description display on forum index page

Signed-off-by: Rick Copeland <rick@arborian.com>

1870769 2012-05-11 04:47:37 Cory Johns

[#4064] Fixed bug not passing file_info down for discussion posts

Signed-off-by: Cory Johns <johnsca@geek.net>

5faed65 2012-05-11 04:13:52 bolkimen

ticket:45 add test case, update code

5624dc3 2012-05-11 04:13:52 bolkimen

ticket:45 add file stats

52ac71b 2012-05-10 23:43:19 Cory Johns

[#4118] Some small bug fixes and touch-ups to profile desc -> wiki migration

Signed-off-by: Cory Johns <johnsca@geek.net>

fa35acd 2012-05-10 23:43:19 bolkimen

ticket:23 add migration tool

b8ff1dc allura_20120509 2012-05-10 04:12:59 Rick Copeland

[#3960] Remove /nf/redirect conversions

Signed-off-by: Rick Copeland <rick@arborian.com>

d271a24 allura_20120508.01 2012-05-09 04:59:34 Cory Johns

[#3598] Fixed project_updated event not firing on new permissions admin

Signed-off-by: Cory Johns <johnsca@geek.net>

b77da7e allura_20120508 2012-05-08 23:56:28 Cory Johns

[#4115] Fixed failing validation tests

Signed-off-by: Cory Johns <johnsca@geek.net>

6729441 2012-05-08 23:02:53 Cory Johns

[#4115] Fixed showing "file not viewable" message while also rendering the file

Signed-off-by: Cory Johns <johnsca@geek.net>

b4280d4 2012-05-08 07:38:03 Cory Johns

[#4115] Fixed HTML validation test failures

Signed-off-by: Cory Johns <johnsca@geek.net>

0139f6b 2012-05-08 04:29:16 Cory Johns

[#4115] Fixed failing test

Signed-off-by: Cory Johns <johnsca@geek.net>

bb93c83 2012-05-08 04:02:20 Cory Johns

[#4115] Fixed failing test

Signed-off-by: Cory Johns <johnsca@geek.net>

c4f5677 2012-05-05 07:09:33 Dave Brondsema

[#4115] update highlighting if the hash changes

ba8ae1e 2012-05-05 07:09:29 bolkimen

[#4115] ticket:47 add tests and change code

f525f61 2012-05-05 07:09:24 bolkimen

[#4115] ticket:21 add code line link and highlight

73dff46 2012-05-03 01:34:28 Jenny Steele

[#3598] Inherited permissions now keep an up to date inherit message on the permission tooltip