Amateras HTML not working with Eclipse Juno (2012-07-20 21:34 by Adrian S. #64682)
Recently I've updated to Eclipse Juno and found out that Amateras HTML does not load anymore. No error in the Eclipse log.
Does anyone have a solution for this ?
Thank you.
RE: Amateras HTML not working with Eclipse Juno (2012-11-19 04:04 by Anonyme #66327)
I found the same problem
In my case, the reason was that mi Eclipse had been installed in unit E:\, not C:\
I moved the eclipse folder to C:\Program files\ and Eureka!! Amateras works right in my Juno SR1
I hope this information will be useful.
RE: Amateras HTML not working with Eclipse Juno (2012-11-20 15:53 by Anonyme #66352)
[Follow up Message #64682]
> Hi.
> Recently I've updated to Eclipse Juno and found out that Amateras HTML does not load anymore. No error in the Eclipse log.
> Does anyone have a solution for this ?
> Thank you.