Show page source of AmaterasERD_1_0_3 #15848

= AmaterasERD 1.0.3 New Features =

== PostgreSQL and Oracle support ==
DDL generation now support PostgreSQL and Oracle.

== Table re-importing improved ==
Table re-importing from JDBC meta data merges existing diagram models. This makes possible to design database with round-trip style.

== Foreign keys decoration ==
FK columns are decorated as '''(FK)''' in the table figure.


== Default column value ==
You can enter the column default value in the table edit dialog.


Also, default value is shown in the HTML report.

== Outline view ==

Thumbnail and schema tree and thumbnail are displayed in the outline view.


== DDL Generate Option ==

AmaterasERD provides a new option at the DDL generation wizard to generate constraints as ALTER TABLE.


== Index Design ==


== Domain ==

We can define domain (generic data types). Defined domains is available as data types in the table editing dialog.
