Forums: Forum (en) (Thread #16846)

tags <img/> and <link ... /> in template (2007-11-27 17:43 by Anonyme #33588)

Hi !
I am using Amrita 1.0.2 on Debian. I have the following problem : when I try to put some tags to include a link to a css stylesheet or a image, then in the generated html file, the last / in the tag disappears, resulting in a non valid xhtml file.

I could replace <img /> by <img></img> but I don't think it will work with <link .... /> (every time I tried, it ended up with a parsing error).

What could I do to make it work ?

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RE: tags <img/> and <link ... /> in template (2007-11-27 22:31 by Anonyme #33597)

I think I found the answer myself. I set asxml to true and it did the job (it seems).

Thank you for this great ruby librairy !!

Best regards,

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