* STORE_CHOICES, STORE_OBJ_LEVEL, STORE_TURNOVER, STORE_MIN_KEEP, STORE_MAX_KEEP and STORE_ITEM_TRIES from /64 needs to be checked and implemented if necessary.
* LAVA_TURNS from /64 needs to be checked and implemented if necessary.
* MON_SUMMON_ADJ from /64 needs to be checked and implemented if necessary.
* GREAT_EGO used in Vanilla Angband but not /64. Check if should be disabled.
* PY_FOOD_UPPER not used in /64. Probably is necessary though.
* MAX_FLOOR_ITEMS, MAX_PILE_FLOOR, and ITEM_SET_SIZE are /64 constants that may well not be required for /65 (different stacking code).
* /64 has an 'ammo' slot that will need to be coded for (INVEN_AMMO).
* /64 has ARENA code (starting at ARENA_LOOKING) need to support in code.
* /64 has INDEX_LINE_CNT. Check if needed.
* Take out SV_AMMO_SILVER from tvalsval.h
* Other svals are mostly already covered (but see tvalsval.h later)
* OBJ_FOUND_** flags need checking, but not soon.
* LITE_NORMAL, LITE_DETECT need checking, but not soon.
* Direction flags, DIR_*** need checking, but not soon.
* PROJECT_** flags have a couple of changes that need checking, but not soon.
* DROP_ and HIT_ flags need checking, but not soon.
* Check SM_** flags match (starting with SM_RES_ACID)
* Check PU_** flags match( starting with PU_BONUS)
* STORE_CHOICES, STORE_OBJ_LEVEL, STORE_TURNOVER, STORE_MIN_KEEP, STORE_MAX_KEEP and STORE_ITEM_TRIES from /64 needs to be checked and implemented if necessary.
* LAVA_TURNS from /64 needs to be checked and implemented if necessary.
* MON_SUMMON_ADJ from /64 needs to be checked and implemented if necessary.
* GREAT_EGO used in Vanilla Angband but not /64. Check if should be disabled.
* PY_FOOD_UPPER not used in /64. Probably is necessary though.
* MAX_FLOOR_ITEMS, MAX_PILE_FLOOR, and ITEM_SET_SIZE are /64 constants that may well not be required for /65 (different stacking code).
* /64 has an 'ammo' slot that will need to be coded for (INVEN_AMMO).
* /64 has ARENA code (starting at ARENA_LOOKING) need to support in code.
* /64 has INDEX_LINE_CNT. Check if needed.
* Take out SV_AMMO_SILVER from tvalsval.h
* Other svals are mostly already covered (but see tvalsval.h later)
* OBJ_FOUND_** flags need checking, but not soon.
* LITE_NORMAL, LITE_DETECT need checking, but not soon.
* Direction flags, DIR_*** need checking, but not soon.
* PROJECT_** flags have a couple of changes that need checking, but not soon.
* DROP_ and HIT_ flags need checking, but not soon.
* Check SM_** flags match (starting with SM_RES_ACID)
* Check PU_** flags match( starting with PU_BONUS)
* Spell flags for Angband/64. See Ticket #15754 Implement Angband/64 style spell pages/books
* Spell types used by project(). Vanilla Angband has a few more flags. Comment out later.
* Some constants for the "learn" code. Some differences between /64 and vanilla. Check later.
* movement result flags in /64. These may need to be implemented in /65 Starts with MOVE_KILL_WALL
* birth fiddling benefits flags in /64. These may need to be implemented in /65 Starts with FIDDLE_PLUS2_ITEMS
* New monster race bit flags in /64 are different to those in vanilla. May need changes made to vanilla code for /65.
Decided ITEM_SET_FLAG and ITEM_SET_MASK are not needed.
MAX_IS_IDX is probably not needed (item set system different).
MAX_SPELL_SET_IDX is needed for Ticket #15754 Implement Angband/64 style spell pages/books
MAX_TR_IDX is needed for Ticket #15689 Support Angband/64 style traps