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Description du projet

BurageSnap allows you to take screenshots of browser games a.k.a ブラゲ [burʌgɛ] in Japanese with just one click.

BurageSnap automatically finds a game screen and saves it as a JPEG or PNG file. In the burst mode, BurageSnap continuously captures the screen and saves it as an animated GIF file.

BurageSnap finds the last focused window running one of the games specified in advance and recognizes a large rectangle surrounded by white pixels in the window as a game screen. The rectangle can have rounded or vague corners.

BurageSnap can work on Windows 8.1 or 10.

Please submit a ticket for your bug reports or feature request.

Twitter account: @BurageSnap

Système requise

System requirement is not defined

Livrée : 2016-09-25 16:28
BurageSnap BurageSnap-2.0 (1 files Cacher)

Notes de release

This version has many improvements. The former version can't capture the preset games of DMM as is because "DMM.com" in the window title is replaced with "DMM GAMES". This version fixes this problem.

大幅に改良しました。DMMのゲームのウィンドウのタイトルがDMM.comからDMM GAMESに変わったため、そのままではキャプチャできなかったのを直しました。


Version 2.0 (2016-09-25)

  • Adopt flat design
  • Fix the problem where you can't drag the window on Windows 10
  • Capture the latest played game in specified games
  • Support the global hot key
  • Get the title of a window picked by a mouse click
  • Reside in the system tray if specified
  • Show a notification when captured
  • Replace DMM.com with DMM GAMES in the target titles

バージョン2.0 (2016-09-25)

  • フラットデザインになります
  • Windows 10でドラッグでウィンドウを動かせないのが直ります
  • 複数のゲームの中から直前に遊んだゲームをキャプチャします
  • ホットキーをサポートします
  • マウスクリックでウィンドウのタイトルを入力できます
  • タスクトレイに常駐できます
  • キャプチャしたときに通知を出します
  • 撮影対象のタイトルのDMM.comをDMM GAMESに書き換えます