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Description du projet

Unit Testing Framework for C and C++.Cutter's interface is easy to write, easy to debug your code and fun to run tests. (See the screenshot. You need "notify-send" command on Linux and *BSD or "growlnotify" command on Mac OS X for this feature.)

Système requise

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Livrée : 2018-04-20 11:33
cutter 1.2.6 (2 files Cacher)

Notes de release


  • deb Supported Debian stretch. Debian wheezy supported was dropped.
  • Supported LCOV 1.12 and 1.13.
  • Added missing GPLv3 text. by tSU_RooT
  • debubuntu Supported Ubuntu 16.04 and 17.04. Ubuntu 12.04 (precise) and 15.04 (vivid) support was dropped.
  • travis Fixed to use https in setup.sh for APT.
  • travis Supported to use CODE_NAME environment variable for installing cutter package on Debian sid. Use "env CODE_NAME=unstable setup.sh" on Debian sid.
  • Changed to use recommended Unicode characters in translatable strings since GLib 2.52.0.
  • Dropped CentOS 5 support.


  • GitHub#23 Fixed a bug that inline instance method in destructor causes invalid UTF-8 assertion warning message.


  • Invert deleted and inserted colors. Now red means inserted segment, green means deleted segment.


  • tSU_RooT
  • Hiroshi Ohkubo
  • Hideki Yamane


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