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Description du projet

Developing multi-platform and international edition of ISO Full BASIC.

Système requise

System requirement is not defined

Livrée : 2021-06-19 11:54
BASIC_generic (1 files Cacher)

Notes de release

BASIC_generic is an implementation of Full BASIC independent of CPU's and OS's. 
Ver. 0.5 does not use Synedit component,  so it work on the environment where Synedit does not work good, but break points do not work.
The source can be applied to
 FPC 3.0.0 + Lazarus 1.6.2
 FPC 3.0.2 + Lazarus 1.6.4
 FPC 3.0.4 + Lazarus 1.8.0 
On porting to another platform, rewrite EOL's in sconsts.pas.
MyUtils.pas and Stack.pas may need to be rewritten.. 
CPUおよびOSに依存しないFull BASIC処理系です。
Ver. 0.5はSyneditコンポーネントを使用しないのでSyneditの動作に問題のある環境でも動作しますが,Break Pointの設定ができません。
FPC 3.0.0 + Lazarus 1.6.2
FPC 3.0.2 + Lazarus 1.6.4
FPC 3.0.4 + Lazarus 1.8.0


Fixed the bug in the ROUND function on OPTION ARITHMETIC DECIMAL designated.

OPTION ARITHMETIC DECIMALを指定したとき,ROUND関数が正しく機能しないバグを修正した。