Ticket #39823

Guitar/Bass chips are drawn over RGB image + other drawing order stuff

Date d'ouverture: 2019-12-06 18:52 Dernière mise à jour: 2020-01-16 08:00

Ouvert [Owner assigned]
5 - moyen
5 - moyen
Score: 0
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When not hitting guitar/bass notes, the chips and bar lines are drawn over the RGB button image.

Also, the Wailing image is sometimes drawn under the bar lines. (It seems to alternate?)

Additionally, the judge strings are drawn under the chips (AUTO in the first screenshot), not sure if this is intentional. That is the only thing that also happens for the drums.

One more thing, most of the Wailing images show part of the shadow of another on the bottom left. (Can be seen in the 2nd screenshot)
And the shadow of the Wailing outline at the judgeline has its shadow cut off at the bottom.

Ticket History (3/12 Histories)

2019-12-06 18:52 Updated by: beatme
  • New Ticket "Guitar/Bass chips are drawn over RGB image + other drawing order stuff" created
2020-01-09 00:05 Updated by: yyagi

Fixed: https://osdn.net/users/yyagi/pf/DTXMania_TestBuilds/dl/DTXMania/DTXManiaGR_fixWailings.zip

Please note, this version modifies not only DTXManiaGR.exe, but also Coordinates.xml and skin data.

When not hitting guitar/bass notes, the chips and bar lines are drawn over the RGB button image. Additionally, the judge strings are drawn under the chips (AUTO in the first screenshot), not sure if this is intentional. That is the only thing that also happens for the drums.

Yes this is intentional one. You can change Z-order by CONFIGURATION - System - Display Option - JudgePriority (Under -> Over)

2020-01-09 03:32 Updated by: beatme

New bug: The Wailing image now scrolls horizontally.
I also noticed another bug in this image: In the wailing image, the gradient has a hard edge instead of a smooth gradient on the upper side.

I understand about the priority of the judge strings now.
But what about the guitar/bass chips and beat lines being drawn over the button images? For drums, the chips and beat lines are disappearing under the pad images.
For guitar/bass, I found out that "JudgePriority" affects this. With "JudgePriority" "Under", the chips are drawn over the button images and with "JudgePriority" "Over", the chips are drawn under the button images.
I think it should not be affected by the "JudgePriority" option.
It can be seen here: https://i.imgur.com/WlMLB2M.png

One more thing, the judge string "MISS" for drums has parts of another judge string in it, I think.
On the top of "MISS" it has some grey pixels. (For the snare drum, but not for the cymbal it seems?!)
Actually, drum judge strings have a strange grey anti-aliasing around them while guitar/bass don't. It can be seen in the first screenshot of this post.

2020-01-09 08:49 Updated by: yyagi

New bug: The Wailing image now scrolls horizontally.

Sorry, plz replace the file Coordinates.xml to the new one, which is attached in this ticket. The file places the same folder as DTXManiaGR.exe

p.s. Due to my personal reason, today I will do no update. (Tomorrow I'll continue to investigate)

2020-01-13 23:22 Updated by: yyagi

Would you try this?


  • Now guitar/bass barline will eb shown always under the RGB buttons.
  • Resized judge strings, to remove gray pixels (Although I could not detect the gray pixels, but anyway I reduce the judge image a little, to avoid showing gray pixels)

I didn't update wailing image, because I could not understand about the difference of the gradient edge.

2020-01-14 06:03 Updated by: beatme

About the wailing image gradient, I prepared an image to show it:

I also found an issue related to the drum chips.
The left and right edge of the snare chip seem to be in a wrong color.
Was this intentional?

The other issues seem to be fixed.

2020-01-15 02:23 Updated by: yyagi

About the wailing image gradient, understood. Please use attached "ScreenPlayGuitar chips.png". (plz overwrite to System/Default/Graphics/)

About the left/right edge color of snare drums, maybe it's intentional. (Although I did not designed the chip image, but it seems other drums chip has the similar color pattern in the edge)

2020-01-15 03:03 Updated by: yyagi
2020-01-16 06:33 Updated by: beatme

The wailing image gradient looks good now.

About the snare drum chips, the pattern of the other chips seems a bit different. For the snare chips, the left and right edges are pink at the beginning.

I made a comparison to 099:
(Left is 115 and right is 099)

2020-01-16 08:00 Updated by: yyagi

Okay, thanks. however about the edge of the drum chips I have no time now to reconsider. II'll take care of them at release118.

(I'll officially release 117 on tomorrow (Jan/17). It's 20th anniversary release but contains bug fixes only :-( ...)

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