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Description du projet

The Belgian-HOWTO describes how to tweak Linux for Belgian users and lists Linux user groups, businesses, and other resources in Belgium.

Système requise

System requirement is not defined
Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from Freecode.com page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2002-05-15 08:14

Restructuré Dialin-configuration et FAI de nouvelles informations de configuration Ispell, les nouvelles sociétés de Linux, de nouvelles ressources belges / sites Web, et quelques modifications mineures DocBook.
Restructured Dialin-configuration and ISP information, new Ispell configuration, new Linux companies, new Belgian resources/Web sites, and some minor DocBook changes.

2002-01-27 11:02

Dans cette version de ce HOWTO il ya une section sur le Linux.be débâcle de domaine, les sections sur les groupes d'utilisateurs de Linux et des Sociétés de Linux ont été révisées, et il y avait plein de petits changements.
In this version of the HOWTO there is a section about the Linux.be-domain debacle, the sections on Linux User Groups and Linux Companies were revised, and there were lots of small changes.

2001-01-30 15:12

Ce communiqué comprend certains LUGs plus et les entreprises, deadlinks mis à jour, et mis à jour FAI information.
This release includes some more LUGs and companies, updated deadlinks, and updated ISP information.

Project Resources