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Description du projet

digup is a console tool to update md5sum or shasum digest files. It will read existing digest files, check the current directory for new, updated, modified, renamed, or deleted files, and query the user with a summary of changes. After reviewing the updates, they can be written back to the digest file. This makes digup very useful to update and verify incremental archives like chronological data storages, which are commonly stored and backed up on hard disks. Using a full file digest scan, even slowly creeping bad blocks on old hard disks can be detected. By using a crontab entry, this check can be performed unattended and routinely.

Système requise

System requirement is not defined
Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from Freecode.com page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2011-01-31 11:28

Divers changements et améliorations. De nouvelles options de ligne de commande: - modifier fenêtre pour les grandes fenêtres delta de temps, - exclude-marqueur = fichier à escamoter les répertoires avec des fichiers marqueur nobackup, et - limiter = chaîne de restreindre scan via string assorti.. Résout des problèmes avec des fichiers volumineux sur mingw32.
Tags: Stable, Major
Various changes and improvements. New command line options: --modify-window for larger time delta windows, --exclude-marker=file to skip directories with .nobackup marker files, and --restrict=substring to restrict scan via string matching. Fixes for problems with large files on mingw32.

2010-10-04 00:52

Une grave erreur a été fixé, qui a eu lieu sur l'architecture AMD64 en raison du profil d'emploi des va_list, va_start (), et va_end ().
Tags: Stable, bugfix
A severe bug was fixed, which occurred on the amd64 architecture due to the use pattern of va_list, va_start(), and va_end().

2010-08-21 08:08

Cette version corrige un bug d'allocation chaîne provoquant une erreur de segmentation lors de l'utilisation de la ligne de commande paramètres-t suivie par-f. Il change la variable de taille de ssize_t à long long pour activer le support pour les fichiers volumineux.
Tags: Stable
This release fixes a string allocation bug causing a segfault when using the command line parameters -t followed by -f. It changes the size variable from ssize_t to long long to enable support for large files.

2009-11-11 22:36

Il s'agit de la première version.
Tags: Stable, Major
This is the initial release.

Project Resources