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Description du projet

Fqutils provides a basic set of bioinformatics command line tools for working with sequence data in FASTQ format. It complements Greg Hannon's fine Fastx Toolkit suite. One characteristic of Fqutils is that it correctly handles the full FASTQ format as described by the published standard, which specifically allows multi-line sequence and quality score information per record. Fqutils is intended to be useful as part of the early portions of post-sequencing pipelines and quality assessment processes.

Système requise

System requirement is not defined
Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from Freecode.com page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2012-09-29 10:23

Cette version initiale de 0,4 ajoute fqu_cull pour extraire un sous-ensemble d'un flux de FASTQ. Il ajoute également des pages de manuel.
This initial 0.4 release adds fqu_cull for extracting a subset of a FASTQ stream. It also adds man pages.

2012-09-24 06:34

Cette version ajoute la fqu_degen pour la conversion des bases aux codes dégénérées IUPAC. Il ajoute fqu_wc pour effectuer des dénombrements de mot (kmer).
Tags: Stable
This release adds fqu_degen for converting bases to IUPAC degenerate codes. It adds fqu_wc for performing word (kmer) counts.

2012-09-22 07:10

Améliorations de documentation principalement dans les démarques et aide.
Tags: Minor
Primarily documentation improvements in markdown and help messages.

2012-09-20 10:43

Il s'agit de la version initiale de fqutils.
This is the initial release of fqutils.

Project Resources