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Description du projet

GridFlow is a plugin for PureData, Ruby, and jMax. It provides the ability to process images and video as N-dimensional arrays ("Grids"). It consists of a framework for grid transmissions, elementary grid processing objects, picture-oriented processing objects, and input/output objects. It also allows one to write plugins for PureData and jMax using the Ruby language.

Système requise

System requirement is not defined
Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from Freecode.com page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2004-08-26 07:54

Amélioration de support Mac OS X, l'ajout de [range], [la souris #], [Pack #], [color #], [bindpatcher], [caméra #], [fade_lin #], et [judas #], l'amélioration de plusieurs exemples, et réécrit les instructions d'installation.
Tags: Minor feature enhancements
Improved Mac OS X support, the addition of [range], [#mouse], [#pack], [#color], [bindpatcher], [#camera], [#fade_lin], and [#peephole], improvements to several examples, and rewritten installation instructions.

2004-03-23 11:32

Cette version améliore de manière significative sur le soutien PureData, y compris la traduction de l'ensemble des 20 exemples jMax aide de l'outil jmax2pd nouvellement ajoutée, et l'ajout de classes d'émulation de jMax. A noter également l'emballage des libusb afin que les plugins pour les périphériques USB mai s'écrit façon portable (Linux et OS X) en Ruby.
Tags: Major feature enhancements
This release significantly improves on PureData support, including the translation of all of the 20 jMax examples using the newly added jmax2pd tool, and the addition of jMax emulation classes. Also of note is the wrapping of libusb so that plugins for USB devices may be written portably (Linux and OS X) in Ruby.

2003-09-28 08:19

Tags: Major feature enhancements

2003-04-25 04:49

Soutien à Float32 calculs a été ajouté. Soutien aux bin, oct, hex, et 3D des grilles a été ajouté à @ impression. Un convertisseur de *. jmax à *. PD a été ajouté (et a été utilisé pour convertir 8 des exemples jmax *.). La conversion de / vers YUV (décompressé) est supporté. @ rotation prend désormais en charge la sélection de l'axe, et le soutien à virgule (messages d'initialisation) a été ajoutée en objectboxes.
Tags: Major feature enhancements
Support for float32 computations was added. Support for bin, oct, hex, and 3D grids was added to @print. A converter from *.jmax to *.pd was added (and was used to convert 8 of the *.jmax examples). Conversion from/to yuv (unpacked) is supported. @rotate now supports selection of axis, and support for comma (initialization messages) was added in objectboxes.

2003-03-25 08:45

De nombreux bugs ont été corrigés, PureData externes installe désormais, fichiers d'aide PureData ont été ajoutés, le configurateur a été simplifiée, quatre exemples, six classes (la fourchette, jmax_udpsend, jmax_udpreceive, @ rotation, @ remap_image, et @ type), et deux opérateurs (pgcd et lcm) ont été ajoutés, l'encodage et la recherche de QuickTime a été ajouté, et beaucoup d'autres petites fonctionnalités ont été inclus.
Tags: Major feature enhancements
Many bugs were fixed, PureData external now installs, PureData help files were added, the configurator was simplified, four examples, six classes (fork, jmax_udpsend, jmax_udpreceive, @rotate, @remap_image, and @type), and two operators (gcd and lcm) were added, QuickTime encoding and seeking was added, and many more small features were included.

Project Resources