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Description du projet

i3 is a dynamic tiling window manager. Its key features are correct implementation of Xinerama (workspaces are assigned to virtual screens, and it does the right thing when attaching new monitors) and XrandR support (which is still unfinished). Both horizontal and vertical columns can be used in tiling. There is a special focus is on writing clean, readable, and well documented code. i3 uses xcb for asynchronous communication with X11, and has several measures to be very fast. i3 is primarily targeted at advanced users and developers.

Système requise

System requirement is not defined
Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from Freecode.com page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2009-11-10 08:36

Cette version comporte de tabulation et quelques modifications les plus avancés de la fenêtre d'empilement (voir le Guide de l'utilisateur), Vim-comme des marques, le soutien à l'indice d'urgence, le redimensionnement horizontal des conteneurs (enfin), les modes (qui peut rendre votre raccourcis clavier beaucoup plus simple ), un montant illimité d'espaces de travail et plusieurs corrections de bugs.
This release features tabbing and some more advanced modifications of the stacking window (see the user’s guide), Vim-like marks, support for the urgency hint, horizontal resizing of containers (finally), modes (which can make your key bindings a lot simpler), an unlimited amount of workspaces, and several bugfixes.

2009-08-20 00:03

Le présent communiqué contient de nombreuses petites améliorations comme l'utilisation de keysymbols dans le fichier de configuration, les espaces de travail nommé, sans marge de Windows, un interface de la CIB, etc
This release contains many small improvements like using keysymbols in the configuration file, named workspaces, borderless windows, an IPC interface, etc.

2009-06-26 22:17

Le changement le plus important de cette version est l'implémentation de clients flottants, principalement utile pour le dialogue / toolbar / popup / windows-éclaboussures. En outre, i3 pouvez maintenant lancer automatiquement des programmes configurés, attribuer automatiquement des programmes spécifiques pour les espaces de travail, et le saut à Windows en utilisant leur classe de fenêtre / titre. Beaucoup de petites corrections de bugs ont été commis.
The most important change in this release is the implementation of
floating clients, primarily useful for dialog/toolbar/popup/splash
windows. Furthermore, i3 can now automatically start configured
programs, automatically assign specific programs to workspaces, and jump
to windows by using their window class/title. Lots of little bugfixes
have been committed.

2009-05-04 02:35

De nombreux bugs se concentrer, les accidents et autres petits désagréments ont été corrigés.
Tags: Stable, Bugfixes
Many focus bugs, crashes and other little annoyances have been fixed.

Project Resources