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Description du projet

Java Forward Error Correction (FEC) Library is the fastest and most mature Java FEC library available (FEC is an essential building block of any satellite or IP multicast based content distribution system). It features: Fast multi-threaded I/O routines for encoding and decoding files; Native Linux, Solaris, and Win32 accellerators with pure Java fallback; and an FEC codec plugin interface. Cryptograhic hashes can be used for checking file integrity.

Système requise

System requirement is not defined
Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from Freecode.com page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2002-10-01 09:40

Le code a été de soutenir le lancement de Common Utilities 20020926 oignon Networks package Java, et le code source est maintenant inclus dans la distribution.
Tags: Minor feature enhancements
The code was to support the 20020926 release of Onion Networks' Common Java Utilities package, and the source code is now included with the distribution.

2001-10-31 05:06

Le common.jar correcte est inclus dans la distribution.
Tags: Minor bugfixes
The proper common.jar is included in the distribution.

2001-10-10 00:41

Améliorations de l'ergonomie significatives pour les développeurs externes, l'utilisation de fourmi dans le processus de construction, toutes les bibliothèques nécessaires sont inclus dans le «lib 'directory, et mises à jour lourde à JavaDoc.
Tags: Minor feature enhancements
Significant usability improvements for external developers, use of ant in the build process, all of the needed libraries are included in the 'lib' directory, and heavy updates to JavaDoc.

2001-09-27 23:13

Lourdement testés, dont le profil, et de débogage. Cette version est rapide et stable.
Tags: Major feature enhancements
Heavily tested, profiled, and debugged. This version is fast and stable.

2001-07-25 01:10
bourbon-12 (1.0)

Ce communiqué est rapide et stable. Décodage Asynchrounous bloc avec la réparation de corruption a été ajouté. Il ya des améliorations de performances aléatoires. Quelques bugs mineurs ont été corrigés.
Tags: Major feature enhancements
This release is fast and stable. Asynchrounous decoding with corrupt block repair has been added. There are random performance enhancements. Some minor bugs have been fixed.

Project Resources