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Description du projet

JGraph is a free, mature, and robust Java diagramming library. It contains all the graph visualization, layout, and interaction functionality you might expect in a graph library, including multiple views, layering, zoom, drag and drop, undo, automatic expanding and collapsing, routing, and layouts. You can create workflow editors, BPMN, CAD tools, network diagrams, database visualization tools, and more. It is fully documented, including examples, and has an active support community.

Système requise

System requirement is not defined
Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from Freecode.com page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2011-03-11 20:28

Cette version ajoute le support pour la sérialisation dans mxGraphModel.
Tags: Stable
This release adds support for serialization in mxGraphModel.

2011-02-25 06:34

Le JGraph (X) branche est maintenant la principale branche de JGraph, de sorte que la numérotation de version passe à JGraph (X) de numérotation. Cette version ajoute un certain nombre de styles pour permettre la configuration de style par cellule sans avoir à mettre en œuvre une méthode crochet d'indiquer quelles cellules d'affichage de certains comportements.
Tags: Stable, JGraphX
The JGraph(X) branch is now the main branch of JGraph, so the version numbering will switch to JGraph(X) numbering. This release adds a number of styles to enable per-cell style configuration without having to implement a hook method to indicate which cells display certain behaviors.

2011-02-18 07:22

Cette version introduit un modèle de pont à mxGraph (JGraphX). La disposition hiérarchique de mxGraph est maintenant utilisé à la place de l'ancien JGraph hiérarchique, en fournissant l'amélioration de routage.
Tags: Stable
This release introduces a model bridge to mxGraph (JGraphX). The hierarchical layout from mxGraph is now used in place of the old JGraph hierarchical, providing improved routing.

2010-04-01 01:32

Cette version corrige les Ant des exemples.
Tags: jgraph 5, branch, Stable, minor bug
This release fixes the Ant build of the examples.

2009-12-04 03:31

C'est d'abord une diffusion officielle de Jgraphx (JGraph 6), le composant Java Swing visualisation basée sur mxGraph. Le manuel d'utilisation pour l'architecture 6.x a été démarré et est inclus dans le téléchargement.
Tags: JGraphX, Stable
This is first formal release of JGraphX (JGraph 6), the Java Swing visualization component based on mxGraph. The user manual for the 6.x architecture has been started and is included in the download.

Project Resources