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Description du projet

Mescaline is a PHP Web application and framework
that makes data stored in databases available to
users. The interfaces for viewing and editing the
data are created without requiring any coding or
config file editing using a wizard. It works with
unconventional databases and can be easily
extended and reused, since it is written in
object-oriented PHP.

Système requise

System requirement is not defined
Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from Freecode.com page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2008-06-17 22:26

Le code a été nettoyé et une plus grande cohérence modèle MVC a été mis en œuvre. Les améliorations incluent la possibilité de masquer des champs et une meilleure gestion des erreurs et des chaînes. Plusieurs questions sont fixes, notamment d'un problème lorsque les valeurs étaient automatiquement placés dans des champs vides et l'affichage incorrect de grosses tables. Les tableaux restent maintenant triées et au bon endroit après le montage.
Tags: Minor feature enhancements
The code was cleaned up and a more consistent MVC pattern was implemented. Improvements include the possibility to hide fields and better handling of errors and strings. Several issues are fixed, including a problem when values were automatically put into empty fields and the incorrect display of big tables. Tables now remain sorted and at the correct location after editing.

2008-06-04 22:55

La documentation, qui était absent dans la distribution 0.4, est maintenant inclus. En outre, il ya des fichiers htaccess inclus maintenant, ce qui, par défaut, bloquer l'accès à des données potentiellement sensibles (comme les mots de passe SQL).
Tags: Major security fixes
The documentation, which was missing in the 0.4
distribution, is now included. Also, there are
htaccess files included now, which, by default,
block access to potentially sensitive data (like
SQL passwords).

2008-06-04 02:46

Tags: Initial freshmeat announcement

Project Resources