mp3report is a flexible program to scan a list of (sub)directories, creating an MP3 report from an HTML template. It also calculates various statistics and can report on ID3v2 tags and MP3 header information, including VBR.
Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.
VBR soutien a été ajouté, la création fichier temporaire est maintenant plus sûr, plus une page de manuel a été ajouté, et divers réglages et corrections de bugs ont été faites.
VBR support was added, tempfile creation is now more secure, a man page was added, and various tweaks and bugfixes were made.
Plusieurs codes de nettoyages, externe en charge du modèle, beaucoup de nouvelles variables de templates, ID3v2 support, et une documentation complète.
Various code cleanups, external template support, lots of new template variables, ID3v2 support, and complete documentation.