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Description du projet

RMIIO is a library that makes it as simple as possible to stream large amounts of data using the RMI framework (or any RPC framework). The RMI framework makes it very easy to implement remote communication between Java programs, yet does not provide any ready solutions for sending large files without blowing out memory on the client or server. What you really want to do is stream data from the client to the server using a framework that does not really expose streaming. The RMIIO library provides some very powerful classes that enable a client to stream data to the server using only a few extra lines of code.

Système requise

System requirement is not defined
Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from Freecode.com page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2012-01-12 06:49

Il s'agit d'une version mineure avec un correctif pour le client distant de clôture.
Tags: minor bugfix release
This is a minor release with a fix for remote client closing.

2008-03-20 21:55

Permet reserialization de RemoteStreamServer.
Tags: Minor feature enhancements
Allows reserialization of RemoteStreamServer.

2008-02-14 07:33

RemoteStreamServer implémentations ont été faites Serializable en mettant en œuvre writeReplace d'exporter automatiquement l'objet et retourner le talon à distance. DirectRemoteInputStream a été ajouté comme une solution de dernier recours pour faire face à certains scénarios problématique. Te port par défaut pour les DefaultRemoteStreamExporter peut maintenant être configuré via un système de la propriété. Clôture des ressources locales par un RemoteIteratorServer a été faite moins sujette à des surprises.
Tags: Minor feature enhancements
RemoteStreamServer implementations were made Serializable by implementing writeReplace to automatically export the object and return the remote stub. DirectRemoteInputStream was added as a last-ditch alternative for dealing with certain problematic scenarios. Te default port for the DefaultRemoteStreamExporter can now be configured via a system property. Closing of local resources by a RemoteIteratorServer was made less prone to surprises.

2007-10-10 22:59

Tags: Initial freshmeat announcement

Project Resources