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Description du projet

ruby-rpm provides bindings for accessing RPM packages and databases from Ruby. It includes the low-level C API to talk to rpm as well as Ruby classes to model the various objects that RPM deals with (such as packages, dependencies, and files).

Système requise

System requirement is not defined
Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from Freecode.com page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2007-05-08 03:08

Une méthode de hachage a été ajoutée. pour RPM:: Version. Zero époque est traitée comme aucune époque dans RPM:: Version ::<=>.
Tags: Minor bugfixes
A hash method has been added. for RPM::Version. Zero epoch is treated the same as no epoch in RPM::Version::&lt;=&gt;.

2007-03-22 02:22

Petites corrections de bugs. Une Rakefile améliorées qui peuvent maintenant construire gem.
Tags: Minor bugfixes
Small bugfixes. An improved Rakefile that can now build gem.

2006-12-13 08:57

Ce communiqué regroupe tous les patchs qui ont différentes distributions ajoutés au fil des années en une seule version.
Tags: Code cleanup
This release consolidates all the patches that
various distributions have added over the years
into one release.

Project Resources