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Description du projet

skadns is an asynchronous DNS client library.
It was designed for simplicity of use and light
resource usage, and can even be used on an
embedded system. Unlike other DNS client
libraries, skadns leaves the asynchronous
work to a forked process, making the client API easy to understand and use. skadns is included in the s6-dns package.

Système requise

System requirement is not defined
Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from Freecode.com page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2003-01-05 12:08

Ce communiqué élimine le besoin d'un démon externe. Le processus de règlement des assistants peuvent maintenant être exécuté comme un enfant à l'application à la place, ce qui rend la bibliothèque plus transparent à utiliser.
Tags: Minor feature enhancements
This release eliminates the need for an external daemon. The resolving helper process can now be run as a child to the application instead, which makes the library more transparent to use.

2002-09-28 12:57

skadns ne dépend plus que sur les bibliothèques du domaine public et ne nécessite plus djbdns.
Tags: Code cleanup
skadns now only depends on public domain libraries and no longer requires djbdns.

2002-08-31 09:33

Cette version corrige le processus de construction, permettant de construire skadns correctement sur Solaris. Il devrait maintenant compiler et exécuter sur pratiquement toutes les plateformes Unix.
Tags: Minor bugfixes
This release fixes the build process, allowing skadns to build properly on Solaris. It should now compile and run on practically any Unix platform.

2002-08-05 21:17

Cette version corrige un bogue dans le skadns_ * _send () fonctions qui pourraient conduire à une erreur de segmentation lors de la compilation avec des bibliothèques C, comme la GNU libc.
Tags: Major bugfixes
This version fixes a bug in the skadns_*_send() functions which could lead to a
segfault when compiled with some C libraries, such as the GNU libc.

2002-07-19 19:59

libskadns a été scindé en plusieurs fichiers source minuscule. Cela rend les exécutables plus petits.
Tags: Code cleanup
libskadns has been split into several tiny source files. This makes
smaller executables.

Project Resources