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Description du projet

Weasel Reader is an e-text reader for Palm OS. It is geared towards reading Project Gutenberg e-texts, but will work on any ASCII file. It uses zlib for compression, resulting in good file sizes, an important consideration for Palms. Weasel reads both zTXT (its own format) and PalmDoc files. It includes features such as bookmarks, annotations, categorization, searching, beaming, VFS access, and many display options. Also included is makeztxt, a command line program to generate zTXT databases. makeztxt supports regular expressions to automatically generate a list of bookmarks. Java and Perl/PHP versions of makeztxt are also available.

Système requise

System requirement is not defined
Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from Freecode.com page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2001-04-05 13:51

Fixed bug back-paging où le texte serait sautée. Problèmes de sommeil fixe. En tapant sur la barre de titre apparaîtra dans le menu pour les utilisateurs avec une pré-3.5 OS. De nombreux raccourcis du menu ont été ajoutés. Palm bouton # 2 bascule maintenant défilement automatique et touche # 3 ouvre signets. Une nouvelle fonctionnalité pour afficher du texte pleinement justifiée. La ligne de commande Windows version de makeztxt est sensée se dérouler cette fois.
Tags: Development, Minor bugfixes
Fixed back-paging bug where text would be skipped.
Fixed sleep issues. Tapping the titlebar will pop
up the menu for users with a pre-3.5 OS. Many new
menu shortcuts have been added. Palm button #2 now
toggles autoscroll and button #3 opens bookmarks.
New feature to display text fully justified. The
command line Windows version of makeztxt should
actually work this time.

Project Resources