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Description du projet

wp-popeye (Popeye) presents images from the Wordpress media library in a nice and elegant way within your posts and pages. Use it to save space when displaying a collection of images and offer your users a simple way to show large versions of your images. It is based on jQuery.popeye and does not employ a disruptive modal window to display large images, allowing all thumbnails and the large images to be browsed in a single image space. It also repects the page flow and stays anchored and rooted in the Web page at all times. The plugin is very easy to set up and integrates automatically into your posts, or allows you to use a shortcode. It comes with several styles but can be also easily customized.

Système requise

System requirement is not defined
Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from Freecode.com page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2010-05-16 05:42

Le script est maintenant compatible PHP4. jQuery.popeye a été remplacé par la version actuelle 2.0.3, qui résout certains problèmes de IE6. Certains des liens vers les "Plugins" Gérer la page de wp-admin ont été ajoutés. La taille "élargie" liste déroulante a été fixé sur la page des paramètres, qui a bondi de «Grand» lorsque la sélection en cours est "originale".
Tags: stable minor
The script is now PHP4 compatible. jQuery.popeye was replaced with the current version 2.0.3, which solves some IE6 issues. Some links to the "Manage Plugins" page of wp-admin were added. The "Enlarged size" dropdown was fixed on the settings page, which jumped to "Large" when the current selection was "Original".

Project Resources