[Groonga-commit] groonga/groonga at cb23c7c [master] doc: add highlight_full()

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naoa null+****@clear*****
Mon Aug 11 04:32:42 JST 2014

naoa	2014-08-11 04:32:42 +0900 (Mon, 11 Aug 2014)

  New Revision: cb23c7c5a23d96ec50b685e3ff6db6da6dc3a87b

  Merged 1c5df3c: Merge pull request #186 from naoa/doc-highlight-function

    doc: add highlight_full()

  Added files:
  Modified files:

  Modified: doc/locale/en/LC_MESSAGES/reference.po (+68 -0)
--- doc/locale/en/LC_MESSAGES/reference.po    2014-08-11 04:28:32 +0900 (d2dd710)
+++ doc/locale/en/LC_MESSAGES/reference.po    2014-08-11 04:32:42 +0900 (b843527)
@@ -9871,6 +9871,74 @@ msgid "pointに指定した座標が矩形の範囲内にあるかどうかをBo
 msgstr ""
+msgid "highlight_full"
+msgstr ""
+msgid ""
+"``highlight_full`` tags target text. It can use to highlight the search "
+"keyword. It can specify use/not use HTML escape, the normalizer name and "
+"change the tag for each keyword."
+msgstr ""
+"``highlight_full`` tags target text. It can use to highlight the search "
+"keyword. It can specify use/not use HTML escape, the normalizer name and "
+"change the tag for each keyword."
+msgid "``highlight_full`` has required parameter and optional parameter::"
+msgstr "``highlight_full`` has required parameter and optional parameter::"
+msgid ""
+"``highlight_full`` can be used in only ``--output_columns`` in :doc:`/"
+msgstr ""
+"``highlight_full`` can be used in only ``--output_columns`` in :doc:`/"
+msgid "``highlight_full`` requires Groonga 4.0.5 or later."
+msgstr "``highlight_full`` requires Groonga 4.0.5 or later."
+msgid ""
+"``highlight_full`` requires :doc:`/reference/command/command_version` 2 "
+"or later."
+msgstr ""
+"``highlight_full`` requires :doc:`/reference/command/command_version` 2 "
+"or later."
+msgid ""
+"The following example uses HTML escape and normalzier is ``NormalizeAuto``. "
+"It specifies the tags ``<span class=\"keyword1\">`` and ``</span>`` of the "
+"keyword ``groonga``, and the tags ``<span class=\"keyword2\">`` and ``</span>`` "
+"of the keyword ``mysql``."
+msgstr ""
+"The following example uses HTML escape and normalzier is ``NormalizeAuto``. "
+"It specifies the tags ``<span class=\"keyword1\">`` and ``</span>`` of the "
+"keyword ``groonga``, and the tags ``<span class=\"keyword2\">`` and ``</span>`` "
+"of the keyword ``mysql``."
+msgid ""
+"``--query \"groonga mysql\"`` matches to the first record's body. "
+"``highight_full`` surrounds the keywords ``groonga`` contained in the text "
+"with ``<span class=\"keyword1\">`` and ``</span>``, and the keywords ``mysql`` "
+"contained in the text with with ``<span class=\"keyword2\">`` and ``</span>``."
+msgstr ""
+"``--query \"groonga mysql\"`` matches to the first record's body. "
+"``highight_full`` surrounds the keywords ``groonga`` contained in the text "
+"with ``<span class=\"keyword1\">`` and ``</span>``, and the keywords ``mysql`` "
+"contained in the text with with ``<span class=\"keyword2\">`` and ``</span>``."
+msgid ""
+"Special characters such as ``<`` and ``>`` are escapsed as ``&lt;`` and "
+msgstr ""
+"Special characters such as ``<`` and ``>`` are escapsed as ``&lt;`` and "
+msgid ""
+"``highlight_full`` returns a tagged string or ``null``. If "
+"``highlight_full`` can't find any keywords, it returns ``null``."
+msgstr ""
+"``highlight_full`` returns a tagged string or ``null``. If "
+"``highlight_full`` can't find any keywords, it returns ``null``."
 msgid "highlight_html"
 msgstr ""

  Modified: doc/locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/reference.po (+67 -0)
--- doc/locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/reference.po    2014-08-11 04:28:32 +0900 (892bc9e)
+++ doc/locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/reference.po    2014-08-11 04:32:42 +0900 (38f132c)
@@ -8998,6 +8998,73 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "pointに指定した座標が矩形の範囲内にあるかどうかをBool型の値で返します。"
 msgstr ""
+msgid "highlight_full"
+msgstr ""
+msgid ""
+"``highlight_full`` tags target text. It can use to highlight the search "
+"keyword. It can specify use/not use HTML escape, the normalizer name and "
+"change the tag for each keyword."
+msgstr ""
+"``highlight_full`` は対象テキストをタグ付けします。検索文字列をハイライト"
+msgid "``highlight_full`` has required parameter and optional parameter::"
+msgstr "``highlight_full`` には必須引数と省略可能引数とがあります::"
+msgid ""
+"``highlight_full`` can be used in only ``--output_columns`` in :doc:`/"
+msgstr ""
+"``highlight_full`` は :doc:`/reference/commands/select` コマンドの ``--"
+"output_columns`` 内でのみ指定できます。"
+msgid "``highlight_full`` requires Groonga 4.0.5 or later."
+msgstr "``highlight_full`` を使うにはGroonga 4.0.5以降が必要です。"
+msgid ""
+"``highlight_full`` requires :doc:`/reference/command/command_version` 2 "
+"or later."
+msgstr ""
+"``highlight_full`` を使うには コマンドバージョン 2以降を使う必要がありま"
+msgid ""
+"The following example uses HTML escape and normalzier is ``NormalizeAuto``. "
+"It specifies the tags ``<span class=\"keyword1\">`` and ``</span>`` of the "
+"keyword ``groonga``, and the tags ``<span class=\"keyword2\">`` and ``</span>`` "
+"of the keyword ``mysql``."
+msgstr ""
+"以下の例はHTMLエスケープを使用し、ノーマライザーに ``NormalizerAuto`` を指定"
+"しています。この例では キーワード ``groonga`` に ``<span class=\"keyword1\">`` "
+" と ``</span>`` のタグを指定し、キーワード ``mysql`` に "
+"``<span class=\"keyword2\">`` と ``</span>`` のタグを指定しています。"
+msgid ""
+"``--query \"groonga mysql\"`` matches to the first record's body. "
+"``highight_full`` surrounds the keywords ``groonga`` contained in the text "
+"with ``<span class=\"keyword1\">`` and ``</span>``, and the keywords ``mysql`` "
+"contained in the text with with ``<span class=\"keyword2\">`` and ``</span>``."
+msgstr ""
+"``--query \"groonga mysql\"`` は最初のレコードにマッチします。"
+" ``highlight_full`` は、テキスト中に含まれるキーワード ``groonga`` を "
+"``<span class=\"keyword1\">`` と ``</span>`` で囲み、 キーワード ``mysql`` "
+"を ``<span class=\"keyword2\">`` と ``</span>`` で囲みます。"
+msgid ""
+"Special characters such as ``<`` and ``>`` are escapsed as ``&lt;`` and "
+msgstr ""
+"``<`` や ``>`` などの特殊文字は &lt; や &gt; にエスケープされています。"
+msgid ""
+"``highlight_full`` returns a tagged string or ``null``. If "
+"``highlight_full`` can't find any keywords, it returns ``null``."
+msgstr ""
+"``highlight_full`` はタグ付の文字列もしくは null を返します。"
+"``highlight_full`` は該当するキーワードがない場合に null を返します。"
 msgid "highlight_html"
 msgstr ""

  Added: doc/source/example/reference/functions/highlight_full/usage_basic.log (+26 -0) 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ doc/source/example/reference/functions/highlight_full/usage_basic.log    2014-08-11 04:32:42 +0900 (5b95f94)
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+Execution example::
+  select Entries --output_columns 'highlight_full(body, "NormalizerAuto", true, "Groonga", "<span class=\\"keyword1\\">", "</span>", "mysql", "<span class=\\"keyword2\\">", "</span>")' --command_version 2
+  # [
+  #   [
+  #     0, 
+  #     1407695996.52987, 
+  #     0.00151872634887695
+  #   ], 
+  #   [
+  #     [
+  #       [
+  #         1
+  #       ], 
+  #       [
+  #         [
+  #           "highlight_full", 
+  #           "null"
+  #         ]
+  #       ], 
+  #       [
+  #         "Mroonga is a <span class=\"keyword2\">MySQL</span> storage engine based on <span class=\"keyword1\">Groonga</span>. &lt;b&gt;Rroonga&lt;/b&gt; is a Ruby binding of <span class=\"keyword1\">Groonga</span>."
+  #       ]
+  #     ]
+  #   ]
+  # ]

  Added: doc/source/example/reference/functions/highlight_full/usage_setup.log (+15 -0) 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ doc/source/example/reference/functions/highlight_full/usage_setup.log    2014-08-11 04:32:42 +0900 (c85ece9)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+Execution example::
+  table_create Entries TABLE_NO_KEY
+  # [[0,1407692435.35498,0.0364797115325928],true]
+  column_create Entries body COLUMN_SCALAR ShortText 
+  # [[0,1407692435.39156,0.0256640911102295],true]
+  table_create Terms TABLE_PAT_KEY ShortText --default_tokenizer TokenBigram --normalizer NormalizerAuto
+  # [[0,1407692435.423,0.0274741649627686],true]
+  column_create Terms document_index COLUMN_INDEX|WITH_POSITION Entries body
+  # [[0,1407692435.45051,0.0534985065460205],true]
+  load --table Entries
+  [
+  {"body": "Mroonga is a MySQL storage engine based on Groonga. <b>Rroonga</b> is a Ruby binding of Groonga."}
+  ]
+  # [[0,1407692435.50406,0.378907442092896],1]

  Added: doc/source/example/reference/functions/highlight_full/usage_string_literal.log (+26 -0) 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ doc/source/example/reference/functions/highlight_full/usage_string_literal.log    2014-08-11 04:32:42 +0900 (b5c1a71)
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+Execution example::
+  select Entries --output_columns 'highlight_full("Groonga is very fast fulltext search engine.", "NormalizerAuto", true, "Groonga", "<span class=\\"keyword1\\">", "</span>", "mysql", "<span class=\\"keyword2\\">", "</span>")' --command_version 2 --match_columns body --query "groonga" 
+  # [
+  #   [
+  #     0, 
+  #     1407696157.1849, 
+  #     0.00164437294006348
+  #   ], 
+  #   [
+  #     [
+  #       [
+  #         1
+  #       ], 
+  #       [
+  #         [
+  #           "highlight_full", 
+  #           "null"
+  #         ]
+  #       ], 
+  #       [
+  #         "<span class=\"keyword1\">Groonga</span> is very fast fulltext search engine."
+  #       ]
+  #     ]
+  #   ]
+  # ]

  Added: doc/source/reference/functions/highlight_full.rst (+93 -0) 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ doc/source/reference/functions/highlight_full.rst    2014-08-11 04:32:42 +0900 (28ca08c)
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+.. -*- rst -*-
+.. highlightlang:: none
+.. groonga-command
+.. database: functions_highlight_full
+.. caution::
+   This feature is experimental. API will be changed.
+``highlight_full`` tags target text. It can use to highlight the search
+keyword. It can specify use/not use HTML escape, the normalizer name and
+change the tag for each keyword.
+``highlight_full`` has required parameter and optional parameter::
+  highlight_full(column, normalizer_name, use_html_escape,
+                 keyword1, open_tag1, close_tag1,
+                 ...
+                 [keywordN, open_tagN, close_tagN])
+Here are a schema definition and sample data to show usage.
+.. groonga-command
+.. include:: ../../example/reference/functions/highlight_full/usage_setup.log
+.. table_create Entries TABLE_NO_KEY
+.. column_create Entries body COLUMN_SCALAR ShortText
+.. table_create Terms TABLE_PAT_KEY ShortText --default_tokenizer TokenBigram --normalizer NormalizerAuto
+.. column_create Terms document_index COLUMN_INDEX|WITH_POSITION Entries body
+.. load --table Entries
+.. [
+.. ["content"],
+.. {"body": "Mroonga is a MySQL storage engine based on Groonga. <b>Rroonga</b> is a Ruby binding of Groonga."}
+.. ]
+``highlight_full`` can be used in only ``--output_columns`` in
+``highlight_full`` requires Groonga 4.0.5 or later.
+``highlight_full`` requires :doc:`/reference/command/command_version` 2
+or later.
+The following example uses HTML escape and normalzier is ``NormalizeAuto``.
+It specifies the tags ``<span class="keyword1">`` and ``</span>`` of the
+keyword ``groonga``, and the tags ``<span class="keyword2">`` and ``</span>``
+of the keyword ``mysql``.
+.. groonga-command
+.. include:: ../../example/reference/functions/highlight_full/usage_basic.log
+.. select Entries --output_columns 'highlight_full(body, "NormalizerAuto", true, "Groonga", "<span class=\\"keyword1\\">", "</span>", "mysql", "<span class=\\"keyword2\\">", "</span>")' --command_version 2
+The text are scanned by the keywords for tagging after they are normalized
+by ``NormalizerAuto`` normalizer.
+``--query "groonga mysql"`` matches to the first record's body.
+``highight_full`` surrounds the keywords ``groonga`` contained in the text
+with ``<span class="keyword1">`` and ``</span>``, and the keywords ``mysql``
+contained in the text with with ``<span class="keyword2">`` and ``</span>``.
+Special characters such as ``<`` and ``>`` are escapsed as ``&lt;`` and
+You can specify string literal instead of column.
+.. groonga-command
+.. include:: ../../example/reference/functions/highlight_full/usage_string_literal.log
+.. select Entries --output_columns 'highlight_full("Groonga is very fast fulltext search engine.", "NormalizerAuto", true, "Groonga", "<span class=\\"keyword1\\">", "</span>", "mysql", "<span class=\\"keyword2\\">", "</span>")' --command_version 2 --match_columns body --query "groonga"
+Return value
+``highlight_full`` returns a tagged string or ``null``. If
+``highlight_full`` can't find any keywords, it returns ``null``.
+See also
+* :doc:`/reference/commands/select`
+* :doc:`/reference/functions/highlight_html`
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