[Groonga-commit] groonga/groonga.org at 372b469 [gh-pages] Add 5.1.0 release entry

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HAYASHI Kentaro null+****@clear*****
Tue Dec 1 12:32:19 JST 2015

HAYASHI Kentaro	2015-12-01 12:32:19 +0900 (Tue, 01 Dec 2015)

  New Revision: 372b469440c1f3fc541a04bc6bf3eab481056205

    Add 5.1.0 release entry

  Added files:

  Added: en/_posts/2015-11-29-groonga-5.1.0.md (+98 -0) 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ en/_posts/2015-11-29-groonga-5.1.0.md    2015-12-01 12:32:19 +0900 (8042c41)
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+layout: post.en
+title: Groonga 5.1.0 has been released
+description: Groonga 5.1.0 has been released!
+## Groonga 5.1.0 has been released
+[Groonga 5.1.0](/docs/news.html#release-5-1-0) has been released!
+How to install: [Install](/docs/install.html)
+e recommend you to upgrade to 5.0.9 when you match the following conditions:
+  * You are a Groonga 5.0.3-5.0.8 user.
+  * You use patricia trie (`TABLE_PAT_KEY`) for table.
+  * You delete one or more records in table that uses patricia trie.
+### Changes
+Here are changes in this release:
+  * Added [`reindex`](/docs/reference/commands/reindex.html) command which re-create indexes.
+  * Improved performance of [groonga-httpd](/docs/reference/executables/groonga-httpd.html).
+  * Added [`prefix_rk_search()`](/docs/reference/functions/prefix_rk_search.html) which provides [Prefix RK search](/docs/reference/operations/prefix_rk_search.html) functionality.
+  * Added [Pretty print](/docs/reference/command/pretty_print.html) command.
+#### `reindex` command
+When Groonga crashes in lack of memory or disk full, there is a case that Groonga database also breaks. If broken parts are only limited to indexes, you can recover Groonga database by re-creating index again.
+In the previous versions, you need to execute two operations - delete & create indexes with same parameters. In this release, [`reindex`](/docs/reference/commands/reindex.html) command does same operations at once.
+There is a another tool to recover Groonga database - [`grndb`](/docs/reference/executables/grndb.html).
+It provides a functionality to check broken database, a equivalent one to `reindex` command, and more.
+#### Improved performance of groonga-httpd
+[groonga-httpd](/docs/reference/executables/groonga-httpd.html) is a Groonga HTTP server which is based on nginx.
+[groonga executable](/docs/reference/executables/groonga.html) is also provides builtin HTTP server functionality, but it provides very limited features.
+See [HTTP server comparison](/docs/server/http.html) about difference of groonga executable and groonga-httpd.
+In this release, internal process of groonga-httpd is optimized, as a result, performance is improved.
+Try this one, if you are not satisfied with previous version of groonga-httpd.
+#### Added `prefix_rk_search()` function
+Groonga provides specific functionality for Japanese.
+[Prefix RK search](/docs/reference/operations/prefix_rk_search.html) is one of them. (RK means Romaji and Katakana)
+This feature is used to [suggest](/docs/reference/suggest.html) proper [completion](/docs/reference/suggest/completion.html).
+In this release, [`prefix_rk_search()`](/docs/reference/functions/prefix_rk_search.html) function is added, and you can use this function in [`select`](/docs/reference/commands/select.html) command.
+#### Support pretty print of JSON
+Groonga returns search result as JSON format by default. It is not human readable as you can see.
+> status
+It is convenient for machine, but not for human.
+In this release, if you specify `--output_pretty yes`, Groonga supports [Pretty Print](/docs/reference/command/pretty_print.html).
+Here is the example about this feature.
+> status --output_pretty yes
+  [
+    0,
+    1448344438.43783,
+    5.29289245605469e-05
+  ],
+  {
+    "alloc_count": 233,
+    "starttime": 1448344437,
+    "start_time": 1448344437,
+    "uptime": 1,
+    "version": "5.0.9-135-g0763d91",
+    "n_queries": 0,
+    "cache_hit_rate": 0.0,
+    "command_version": 1,
+    "default_command_version": 1,
+    "max_command_version": 2
+  }
+### Conclusion
+See [Release 5.1.0 2015-11-29](/docs/news.html#release-5-1-0) about detailed changes since 5.0.9.
+Let's search by Groonga!
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