[Groonga-commit] pgroonga/pgroonga.github.io at b462d88 [master] Fix contribute path

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Kouhei Sutou null+****@clear*****
Tue Dec 15 12:29:04 JST 2015

Kouhei Sutou	2015-12-15 12:29:04 +0900 (Tue, 15 Dec 2015)

  New Revision: b462d8833e44e2d96fc792ce9aa507218ab86d22

    Fix contribute path
    GitHub: fix pgroonga/pgroonga#4
    Reported by Hiroyuki Sato. Thanks!!!

  Modified files:

  Modified: _includes/contribute.ja.html (+2 -2)
--- _includes/contribute.ja.html    2015-12-15 12:26:06 +0900 (ee4f833)
+++ _includes/contribute.ja.html    2015-12-15 12:29:04 +0900 (30f9c96)
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 <p class="contribute">
-  {% assign source_path = page.path %}
-  {% assign source_url = source_path | prepend: "https://github.com/pgroonga/pgroonga.github.io/blob/master/ja/" %}
+  {% assign source_path = page.path | prepend: "_po/" | replace_first: ".md", ".po" %}
+  {% assign source_url = source_path | prepend: "https://github.com/pgroonga/pgroonga.github.io/blob/master/" %}
   <a href="{{ source_url }}">誤字や誤訳、未訳を見つけたらお気軽にプルリクエストを送ってください!</a>
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