[Groonga-commit] groonga/groonga-command at 1525434 [fix-travis-ci-error] Extract parser as groonga-command-parser gem

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Kouhei Sutou null+****@clear*****
Wed Jan 13 17:29:47 JST 2016

Kouhei Sutou	2013-09-29 18:08:24 +0900 (Sun, 29 Sep 2013)

  New Revision: 15254347df0f9545534be7faa44620be7a7779b7

    Extract parser as groonga-command-parser gem
    Because it requires YAJL. It is extension library. Now,
    groonga-command doesn't depend on any exntesion libraries. It is easy
    to install.

  Removed files:
  Modified files:

  Modified: README.md (+3 -3)
--- README.md    2013-09-18 17:25:21 +0900 (c691c72)
+++ README.md    2013-09-29 18:08:24 +0900 (f743183)
@@ -6,9 +6,9 @@ groonga-command
 ## Description
-Groonga-command is a library to process
-[groonga](http://groonga.org/)'s command syntax. You can write a
-program to process groonga's command by using groonga-command.
+Groonga-command is a library that represents
+[groonga](http://groonga.org/)'s command. You can write a program that
+handle groonga's command by using groonga-command.
 ## Install

  Modified: groonga-command.gemspec (+1 -3)
--- groonga-command.gemspec    2013-09-18 17:25:21 +0900 (9d3e079)
+++ groonga-command.gemspec    2013-09-29 18:08:24 +0900 (83fbe82)
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 # -*- mode: ruby; coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Copyright (C) 2012  Kouhei Sutou <kou �� clear-code.com>
+# Copyright (C) 2012-2013  Kouhei Sutou <kou �� clear-code.com>
 # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
@@ -52,8 +52,6 @@ Gem::Specification.new do |spec|
   spec.licenses = ["LGPLv2.1+"]
   spec.require_paths = ["lib"]
-  spec.add_runtime_dependency("yajl-ruby")

  Modified: lib/groonga/command.rb (+18 -2)
--- lib/groonga/command.rb    2013-09-18 17:25:21 +0900 (b0066a7)
+++ lib/groonga/command.rb    2013-09-29 18:08:24 +0900 (acdd9c6)
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Copyright (C) 2012  Kouhei Sutou <kou �� clear-code.com>
+# Copyright (C) 2012-2013  Kouhei Sutou <kou �� clear-code.com>
 # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
@@ -17,4 +17,20 @@
 # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
 require "groonga/command/version"
-require "groonga/command/parser"
+require "groonga/command/error"
+require "groonga/command/column-create"
+require "groonga/command/column-remove"
+require "groonga/command/column-rename"
+require "groonga/command/delete"
+require "groonga/command/dump"
+require "groonga/command/get"
+require "groonga/command/load"
+require "groonga/command/register"
+require "groonga/command/select"
+require "groonga/command/suggest"
+require "groonga/command/table-create"
+require "groonga/command/table-remove"
+require "groonga/command/table-rename"
+require "groonga/command/truncate"

  Deleted: lib/groonga/command/parser.rb (+0 -449) 100644
--- lib/groonga/command/parser.rb    2013-09-18 17:25:21 +0900 (656cf97)
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,449 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Copyright (C) 2011-2013  Kouhei Sutou <kou �� clear-code.com>
-# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
-# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# Lesser General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
-# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
-require "shellwords"
-require "cgi"
-require "yajl"
-require "groonga/command/error"
-require "groonga/command/base"
-require "groonga/command/dump"
-require "groonga/command/get"
-require "groonga/command/select"
-require "groonga/command/suggest"
-require "groonga/command/load"
-require "groonga/command/table-create"
-require "groonga/command/table-remove"
-require "groonga/command/table-rename"
-require "groonga/command/column-create"
-require "groonga/command/column-remove"
-require "groonga/command/column-rename"
-require "groonga/command/delete"
-require "groonga/command/truncate"
-require "groonga/command/register"
-module Groonga
-  module Command
-    class ParseError < Error
-      attr_reader :reason, :location
-      def initialize(reason, before, after)
-        @reason = reason
-        @location = compute_location(before, after)
-        super("#{@reason}:\n#{@location}")
-      end
-      private
-      def compute_location(before, after)
-        location = ""
-        if before[-1] == ?\n
-          location << before
-          location << after
-          location << "^"
-        elsif after[0] == ?\n
-          location << before
-          location << "\n"
-          location << " " * before.bytesize + "^"
-          location << after
-        else
-          location << before
-          location << after
-          location << " " * before.bytesize + "^"
-        end
-        location
-      end
-    end
-    class Parser
-      class << self
-        # parses groonga command or HTTP (starts with "/d/") command.
-        # @overload parse(data)
-        #   @!macro [new] parser.parse.argument
-        #     @param [String] data parsed command.
-        #     @return [Groonga::Command] Returns
-        #       {Groonga::Command} including parsed data.
-        #   @!macro parser.parse.argument
-        # @overload parse(data, &block)
-        #   @!macro parser.parse.argument
-        def parse(data, &block)
-          if block_given?
-            event_parse(data, &block)
-          else
-            stand_alone_parse(data)
-          end
-        end
-        private
-        def event_parse(data)
-          parser = new
-          parser.on_command do |command|
-            yield(:on_command, command)
-          end
-          parser.on_load_start do |command|
-            yield(:on_load_start, command)
-          end
-          parser.on_load_columns do |command, header|
-            yield(:on_load_columns, command, header)
-          end
-          parser.on_load_value do |command, value|
-            yield(:on_load_value, command, value)
-          end
-          parser.on_load_complete do |command|
-            yield(:on_load_complete, command)
-          end
-          parser.on_comment do |comment|
-            yield(:on_comment, comment)
-          end
-          consume_data(parser, data)
-        end
-        def stand_alone_parse(data)
-          parsed_command = nil
-          parser = new
-          parser.on_command do |command|
-            parsed_command = command
-          end
-          parser.on_load_columns do |command, columns|
-            command[:columns] ||= columns.join(",")
-          end
-          values = []
-          parser.on_load_value do |_, value|
-            values << value
-          end
-          parser.on_load_complete do |command|
-            parsed_command = command
-            parsed_command[:values] ||= Yajl::Encoder.encode(values)
-          end
-          consume_data(parser, data)
-          if parsed_command.nil?
-            raise ParseError.new("not completed", data.lines.to_a.last, "")
-          end
-          parsed_command
-        end
-        def consume_data(parser, data)
-          if data.respond_to?(:each)
-            data.each do |chunk|
-              parser << chunk
-            end
-          else
-            parser << data
-          end
-          parser.finish
-        end
-      end
-      def initialize
-        reset
-        initialize_hooks
-      end
-      # Streaming parsing command.
-      # @param [String] chunk parsed chunk of command.
-      def <<(chunk)
-        @buffer << chunk
-        consume_buffer
-      end
-      # Finishes parsing. If Parser is loading values specified "load"
-      # command, this method raises {ParseError}.
-      def finish
-        if @loading
-          raise ParseError.new("not completed",
-                               @command.original_source.lines.to_a.last,
-                               "")
-        else
-          catch do |tag|
-            parse_line(@buffer)
-          end
-        end
-      end
-      # @overload on_command(command)
-      # @overload on_command {|command| }
-      def on_command(*arguments, &block)
-        if block_given?
-          @on_command_hook = block
-        else
-          @on_command_hook.call(*arguments) if @on_command_hook
-        end
-      end
-      # @overload on_load_start(command)
-      # @overload on_load_start {|command| }
-      def on_load_start(*arguments, &block)
-        if block_given?
-          @on_load_start_hook = block
-        else
-          @on_load_start_hook.call(*arguments) if @on_load_start_hook
-        end
-      end
-      # @overload on_load_columns(command)
-      # @overload on_load_columns {|command| }
-      def on_load_columns(*arguments, &block)
-        if block_given?
-          @on_load_columns_hook = block
-        else
-          @on_load_columns_hook.call(*arguments) if @on_load_columns_hook
-        end
-      end
-      # @overload on_load_value(command)
-      # @overload on_load_value {|command| }
-      def on_load_value(*arguments, &block)
-        if block_given?
-          @on_load_value_hook = block
-        else
-          @on_load_value_hook.call(*arguments) if @on_load_value_hook
-        end
-      end
-      # @overload on_load_complete(command)
-      # @overload on_load_complete(command) { }
-      def on_load_complete(*arguments, &block)
-        if block_given?
-          @on_load_complete_hook = block
-        else
-          @on_load_complete_hook.call(*arguments) if @on_load_complete_hook
-        end
-      end
-      # @overload on_comment(comment)
-      # @overload on_comment {|comment| }
-      def on_comment(*arguments, &block)
-        if block_given?
-          @on_comment_hook = block
-        else
-          @on_comment_hook.call(*arguments) if @on_comment_hook
-        end
-      end
-      private
-      def consume_buffer
-        catch do |tag|
-          loop do
-            if @loading
-              consume_load_values(tag)
-            else
-              parse_line(consume_line(tag))
-            end
-          end
-        end
-      end
-      def consume_load_values(tag)
-        if @in_load_values
-          json, separator, rest =****@buffe*****(/[\]},]/)
-          if @load_value_completed
-            throw(tag) if separator.empty?
-            if separator == ","
-              if /\A\s*\z/ =~ json
-                @command.original_source << json << separator
-                @buffer = rest
-                @load_value_completed = false
-                return
-              else
-                raise ParseError.new("record separate comma is missing",
-                                     @command.original_source.lines.to_a.last,
-                                     json)
-              end
-            elsif separator == "]"
-              if /\A\s*\z/ =~ json
-                @command.original_source << json << separator
-                @buffer = rest
-                on_load_complete(@command)
-                reset
-                return
-              end
-            end
-          end
-          @buffer = rest
-          parse_json(json)
-          if separator.empty?
-            throw(tag)
-          else
-            @load_value_completed = false
-            parse_json(separator)
-          end
-        else
-          spaces, start_json, rest =****@buffe*****("[")
-          unless /\A\s*\z/ =~ spaces
-            raise ParseError.new("there are garbages before JSON",
-                                 @command.original_source.lines.to_a.last,
-                                 spaces)
-          end
-          if start_json.empty?
-            @command.original_source << @buffer
-            @buffer.clear
-            throw(tag)
-          else
-            @command.original_source << spaces << start_json
-            @buffer = rest
-            @json_parser = Yajl::Parser.new
-            @json_parser.on_parse_complete = lambda do |object|
-              if object.is_a?(::Array) and****@comma*****?
-                @command.columns = object
-                on_load_columns(@command, object)
-              else
-                on_load_value(@command, object)
-              end
-              @load_value_completed = true
-            end
-            @in_load_values = true
-          end
-        end
-      end
-      def parse_json(json)
-        @command.original_source << json
-        begin
-          @json_parser << json
-        rescue Yajl::ParseError
-          before_json =****@comma*****_source[0..(-json.bytesize)]
-          message = "invalid JSON: #{$!.message}: <#{json}>:\n"
-          message << before_json
-          raise ParseError.new(message, before_json, json)
-        end
-      end
-      def consume_line(tag)
-        current_line, separator, rest =****@buffe*****(/\r?\n/)
-        throw(tag) if separator.empty?
-        if current_line.end_with?("\\")
-          @buffer.sub!(/\\\r?\n/, "")
-          consume_line(tag)
-        else
-          @buffer = rest
-          current_line
-        end
-      end
-      def parse_line(line)
-        case line
-        when /\A\s*\z/
-          # ignore empty line
-        when /\A\#/
-          on_comment($POSTMATCH)
-        else
-          @command = parse_command(line)
-          @command.original_source = line
-          process_command
-        end
-      end
-      def process_command
-        if****@comma***** == "load"
-          on_load_start(@command)
-          if****@comma*****
-            on_load_columns(@command, @command.columns)
-          end
-          if @command[:values]
-            values = Yajl::Parser.parse(@command[:values])
-            if****@comma*****? and values.first.is_a?(::Array)
-              header = values.shift
-              @command.columns = header
-              on_load_columns(@command, header)
-            end
-            values.each do |value|
-              on_load_value(@command, value)
-            end
-            on_load_complete(@command)
-            reset
-          else
-            @command.original_source << "\n"
-            @loading = true
-          end
-        else
-          on_command(@command)
-          @command = nil
-        end
-      end
-      def parse_command(input)
-        if input.start_with?("/d/")
-          parse_uri_path(input)
-        else
-          parse_command_line(input)
-        end
-      end
-      def parse_uri_path(path)
-        name, arguments_string = path.split(/\?/, 2)
-        arguments = {}
-        if arguments_string
-          arguments_string.split(/&/).each do |argument_string|
-            key, value = argument_string.split(/\=/, 2)
-            next if value.nil?
-            arguments[key] = CGI.unescape(value)
-          end
-        end
-        name = name.gsub(/\A\/d\//, '')
-        name, output_type = name.split(/\./, 2)
-        arguments["output_type"] = output_type if output_type
-        command_class = Command.find(name)
-        command = command_class.new(name, arguments)
-        command.original_format = :uri
-        command
-      end
-      def parse_command_line(command_line)
-        name, *arguments = Shellwords.shellwords(command_line)
-        pair_arguments = {}
-        ordered_arguments = []
-        until arguments.empty?
-          argument = arguments.shift
-          if argument.start_with?("--")
-            pair_arguments[argument.sub(/\A--/, "")] = arguments.shift
-          else
-            ordered_arguments << argument
-          end
-        end
-        command_class = Command.find(name)
-        command = command_class.new(name, pair_arguments, ordered_arguments)
-        command.original_format = :command
-        command
-      end
-      def reset
-        @command = nil
-        @loading = false
-        @in_load_values = false
-        @load_value_completed = false
-        @buffer = "".force_encoding("ASCII-8BIT")
-      end
-      def initialize_hooks
-        @on_command_hook = nil
-        @on_load_start_hook = nil
-        @on_load_columns_hook = nil
-        @on_load_value_hook = nil
-        @on_load_complete_hook = nil
-      end
-    end
-  end

  Modified: test/command/test-column-create.rb (+107 -108)
--- test/command/test-column-create.rb    2013-09-18 17:25:21 +0900 (8cabca8)
+++ test/command/test-column-create.rb    2013-09-29 18:08:24 +0900 (3f25ad7)
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Copyright (C) 2012  Kouhei Sutou <kou �� clear-code.com>
+# Copyright (C) 2012-213  Kouhei Sutou <kou �� clear-code.com>
 # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
@@ -17,9 +17,14 @@
 # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
 class ColumnCreateCommandTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
-  class CommandLineTest < self
-    include GroongaCommandTestUtils::CommandLineCommandParser
+  private
+  def column_create_command(pair_arguments={}, ordered_arguments=[])
+    Groonga::Command::ColumnCreate.new("column_create",
+                                       pair_arguments,
+                                       ordered_arguments)
+  end
+  class ConstructorTest < self
     def test_ordered_arguments
       table    = "Lexicon"
       name     = "content_index"
@@ -27,8 +32,7 @@ class ColumnCreateCommandTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
       type     = "Posts"
       source   = "content"
-      command = parse([table, name, flags, type, source])
-      assert_instance_of(Groonga::Command::ColumnCreate, command)
+      command = column_create_command({}, [table, name, flags, type, source])
                      :table    => table,
                      :name     => name,
@@ -38,120 +42,115 @@ class ColumnCreateCommandTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
+  end
-    private
-    def parse(arguments)
-      super("column_create", arguments, :output_type => false)
+  class FlagsTest < self
+    def test_multiple
+      command = column_create_command({"flags" => "COLUMN_INDEX|WITH_POSITION"})
+      assert_equal(["COLUMN_INDEX", "WITH_POSITION"],
+                   command.flags)
-    class FlagsTest < self
-      def test_multiple
-        command = parse({"flags" => "COLUMN_INDEX|WITH_POSITION"})
-        assert_equal(["COLUMN_INDEX", "WITH_POSITION"],
-                     command.flags)
-      end
+    def test_one
+      command = column_create_command({"flags" => "COLUMN_VECTOR"})
+      assert_equal(["COLUMN_VECTOR"],
+                   command.flags)
+    end
-      def test_one
-        command = parse({"flags" => "COLUMN_VECTOR"})
-        assert_equal(["COLUMN_VECTOR"],
-                     command.flags)
-      end
+    def test_no_flags
+      command = column_create_command({})
+      assert_equal([], command.flags)
+    end
-      def test_no_flags
-        command = parse({})
-        assert_equal([], command.flags)
+    class PredicateTest < self
+      data({
+             "COLUMN_SCALAR" => {
+               :expected => true,
+               :flags    => "COLUMN_SCALAR",
+             },
+             "other flag"   => {
+               :expected => false,
+               :flags    => "COLUMN_VECTOR",
+             }
+           })
+      def test_column_scalar?(data)
+        command = column_create_command({"flags" => data[:flags]})
+        assert_equal(data[:expected], command.column_scalar?)
-      class PredicateTest < self
-        data({
-               "COLUMN_SCALAR" => {
-                 :expected => true,
-                 :flags    => "COLUMN_SCALAR",
-               },
-               "other flag"   => {
-                 :expected => false,
-                 :flags    => "COLUMN_VECTOR",
-               }
-             })
-        def test_column_scalar?(data)
-          command = parse({"flags" => data[:flags]})
-          assert_equal(data[:expected], command.column_scalar?)
-        end
-        data({
-               "COLUMN_VECTOR" => {
-                 :expected => true,
-                 :flags    => "COLUMN_VECTOR",
-               },
-               "other flag"   => {
-                 :expected => false,
-                 :flags    => "COLUMN_INDEX",
-               }
-             })
-        def test_column_vector?(data)
-          command = parse({"flags" => data[:flags]})
-          assert_equal(data[:expected], command.column_vector?)
-        end
+      data({
+             "COLUMN_VECTOR" => {
+               :expected => true,
+               :flags    => "COLUMN_VECTOR",
+             },
+             "other flag"   => {
+               :expected => false,
+               :flags    => "COLUMN_INDEX",
+             }
+           })
+      def test_column_vector?(data)
+        command = column_create_command({"flags" => data[:flags]})
+        assert_equal(data[:expected], command.column_vector?)
+      end
-        data({
-               "COLUMN_INDEX" => {
-                 :expected => true,
-                 :flags    => "COLUMN_INDEX",
-               },
-               "other flag"   => {
-                 :expected => false,
-                 :flags    => "COLUMN_SCALAR",
-               }
-             })
-        def test_column_index?(data)
-          command = parse({"flags" => data[:flags]})
-          assert_equal(data[:expected], command.column_index?)
-        end
+      data({
+             "COLUMN_INDEX" => {
+               :expected => true,
+               :flags    => "COLUMN_INDEX",
+             },
+             "other flag"   => {
+               :expected => false,
+               :flags    => "COLUMN_SCALAR",
+             }
+           })
+      def test_column_index?(data)
+        command = column_create_command({"flags" => data[:flags]})
+        assert_equal(data[:expected], command.column_index?)
+      end
-        data({
-               "WITH_SECTION" => {
-                 :expected => true,
-                 :flags    => "COLUMN_INDEX|WITH_SECTION",
-               },
-               "other flag"   => {
-                 :expected => false,
-                 :flags    => "COLUMN_INDEX|WITH_WEIGHT",
-               }
-             })
-        def test_with_section?(data)
-          command = parse({"flags" => data[:flags]})
-          assert_equal(data[:expected], command.with_section?)
-        end
+      data({
+             "WITH_SECTION" => {
+               :expected => true,
+               :flags    => "COLUMN_INDEX|WITH_SECTION",
+             },
+             "other flag"   => {
+               :expected => false,
+               :flags    => "COLUMN_INDEX|WITH_WEIGHT",
+             }
+           })
+      def test_with_section?(data)
+        command = column_create_command({"flags" => data[:flags]})
+        assert_equal(data[:expected], command.with_section?)
+      end
-        data({
-               "WITH_WEIGHT" => {
-                 :expected => true,
-                 :flags    => "COLUMN_INDEX|WITH_WEIGHT",
-               },
-               "other flag"   => {
-                 :expected => false,
-                 :flags    => "COLUMN_INDEX|WITH_POSITION",
-               }
-             })
-        def test_with_weight?(data)
-          command = parse({"flags" => data[:flags]})
-          assert_equal(data[:expected], command.with_weight?)
-        end
+      data({
+             "WITH_WEIGHT" => {
+               :expected => true,
+               :flags    => "COLUMN_INDEX|WITH_WEIGHT",
+             },
+             "other flag"   => {
+               :expected => false,
+               :flags    => "COLUMN_INDEX|WITH_POSITION",
+             }
+           })
+      def test_with_weight?(data)
+        command = column_create_command({"flags" => data[:flags]})
+        assert_equal(data[:expected], command.with_weight?)
+      end
-        data({
-               "WITH_POSITION" => {
-                 :expected => true,
-                 :flags    => "COLUMN_INDEX|WITH_POSITION",
-               },
-               "other flag"   => {
-                 :expected => false,
-                 :flags    => "COLUMN_INDEX|WITH_SECTION",
-               }
-             })
-        def test_with_position?(data)
-          command = parse({"flags" => data[:flags]})
-          assert_equal(data[:expected], command.with_position?)
-        end
+      data({
+             "WITH_POSITION" => {
+               :expected => true,
+               :flags    => "COLUMN_INDEX|WITH_POSITION",
+             },
+             "other flag"   => {
+               :expected => false,
+               :flags    => "COLUMN_INDEX|WITH_SECTION",
+             }
+           })
+      def test_with_position?(data)
+        command = column_create_command({"flags" => data[:flags]})
+        assert_equal(data[:expected], command.with_position?)

  Modified: test/command/test-column-remove.rb (+9 -10)
--- test/command/test-column-remove.rb    2013-09-18 17:25:21 +0900 (90a4b9a)
+++ test/command/test-column-remove.rb    2013-09-29 18:08:24 +0900 (aeedc2e)
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Copyright (C) 2012  Kouhei Sutou <kou �� clear-code.com>
+# Copyright (C) 2012-2013  Kouhei Sutou <kou �� clear-code.com>
 # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
@@ -17,25 +17,24 @@
 # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
 class ColumnRemoveCommandTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
-  class CommandLineTest < self
-    include GroongaCommandTestUtils::CommandLineCommandParser
+  private
+  def column_remove_command(pair_arguments={}, ordered_arguments=[])
+    Groonga::Command::ColumnRemove.new("column_remove",
+                                       pair_arguments,
+                                       ordered_arguments)
+  end
+  class ConstructorTest < self
     def test_ordered_arguments
       table = "Users"
       name  = "age"
-      command = parse(table, name)
-      assert_instance_of(Groonga::Command::ColumnRemove, command)
+      command = column_remove_command({}, [table, name])
                      :table => table,
                      :name  => name,
-    private
-    def parse(*arguments)
-      super("column_remove", arguments, :output_type => false)
-    end

  Modified: test/command/test-column-rename.rb (+9 -10)
--- test/command/test-column-rename.rb    2013-09-18 17:25:21 +0900 (3ed8754)
+++ test/command/test-column-rename.rb    2013-09-29 18:08:24 +0900 (ba08c1a)
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Copyright (C) 2012  Kouhei Sutou <kou �� clear-code.com>
+# Copyright (C) 2012-2013  Kouhei Sutou <kou �� clear-code.com>
 # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
@@ -17,16 +17,20 @@
 # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
 class ColumnRenameCommandTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
-  class CommandLineTest < self
-    include GroongaCommandTestUtils::CommandLineCommandParser
+  private
+  def column_rename_command(pair_arguments={}, ordered_arguments=[])
+    Groonga::Command::ColumnRename.new("column_rename",
+                                       pair_arguments,
+                                       ordered_arguments)
+  end
+  class ConstructorTest < self
     def test_ordered_arguments
       table    = "Users"
       name     = "name"
       new_name = "nick"
-      command = parse(table, name, new_name)
-      assert_instance_of(Groonga::Command::ColumnRename, command)
+      command = column_rename_command({}, [table, name, new_name])
                      :table    => table,
                      :name     => name,
@@ -34,10 +38,5 @@ class ColumnRenameCommandTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
-    private
-    def parse(*arguments)
-      super("column_rename", arguments, :output_type => false)
-    end

  Modified: test/command/test-delete.rb (+9 -10)
--- test/command/test-delete.rb    2013-09-18 17:25:21 +0900 (7941912)
+++ test/command/test-delete.rb    2013-09-29 18:08:24 +0900 (2ff9b64)
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Copyright (C) 2012  Kouhei Sutou <kou �� clear-code.com>
+# Copyright (C) 2012-2013  Kouhei Sutou <kou �� clear-code.com>
 # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
@@ -17,17 +17,21 @@
 # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
 class DeleteCommandTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
-  class CommandLineTest < self
-    include GroongaCommandTestUtils::CommandLineCommandParser
+  private
+  def delete_command(pair_arguments={}, ordered_arguments=[])
+    Groonga::Command::Delete.new("delete",
+                                 pair_arguments,
+                                 ordered_arguments)
+  end
+  class ConstructorTest < self
     def test_ordered_arguments
       table  = "Users"
       key    = "Alice"
       id     = "29"
       filter = "age == 20"
-      command = parse(table, key, id, filter)
-      assert_instance_of(Groonga::Command::Delete, command)
+      command = delete_command({}, [table, key, id, filter])
                      :table  => table,
                      :key    => key,
@@ -36,10 +40,5 @@ class DeleteCommandTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
-    private
-    def parse(*arguments)
-      super("delete", arguments, :output_type => false)
-    end

  Modified: test/command/test-dump.rb (+7 -7)
--- test/command/test-dump.rb    2013-09-18 17:25:21 +0900 (90e98dc)
+++ test/command/test-dump.rb    2013-09-29 18:08:24 +0900 (2b01118)
@@ -17,14 +17,14 @@
 # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
 class DumpCommandTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
-  include GroongaCommandTestUtils::CommandLineCommandParser
-  def test_output_type
-    assert_equal(:none, command.output_type)
+  private
+  def dump_command(pair_arguments={}, ordered_arguments=[])
+    Groonga::Command::Dump.new("dump", pair_arguments, ordered_arguments)
-  private
-  def command(arguments={})
-    Groonga::Command::Dump.new("dump", arguments)
+  class OutputTypeTest < self
+    def test_none
+      assert_equal(:none, dump_command.output_type)
+    end

  Modified: test/command/test-get.rb (+13 -16)
--- test/command/test-get.rb    2013-09-18 17:25:21 +0900 (1609e2a)
+++ test/command/test-get.rb    2013-09-29 18:08:24 +0900 (5e08dab)
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright (C) 2013  Kouhei Sutou <kou �� clear-code.com>
 # Copyright (C) 2012  Haruka Yoshihara <yoshihara �� clear-code.com>
 # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
@@ -17,28 +18,24 @@
 # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
 class GetCommandTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
-  class CommandLineTest < self
-    include GroongaCommandTestUtils::CommandLineCommandParser
+  private
+  def get_command(pair_arguments={}, ordered_arguments=[])
+    Groonga::Command::Get.new("get", pair_arguments, ordered_arguments)
+  end
+  class ConstructorTest < self
     def test_ordered_arguments
       table          = "Users"
       key            = "Alice"
       output_columns = "name, address"
-      command = parse(table, key, output_columns)
-      assert_instance_of(Groonga::Command::Get, command)
-      expected_arguments = {
-        :table          => table,
-        :key            => key,
-        :output_columns => output_columns,
-      }
-      assert_equal(expected_arguments, command.arguments)
-    end
-    private
-    def parse(*arguments)
-      super("get", arguments, :output_type => false)
+      command = get_command({}, [table, key, output_columns])
+      assert_equal({
+                     :table          => table,
+                     :key            => key,
+                     :output_columns => output_columns,
+                   },
+                   command.arguments)

  Modified: test/command/test-load.rb (+17 -10)
--- test/command/test-load.rb    2013-09-18 17:25:21 +0900 (2ba8908)
+++ test/command/test-load.rb    2013-09-29 18:08:24 +0900 (8094ca8)
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Copyright (C) 2012  Kouhei Sutou <kou �� clear-code.com>
+# Copyright (C) 2012-2013  Kouhei Sutou <kou �� clear-code.com>
 # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
@@ -17,9 +17,14 @@
 # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
 class LoadCommandTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
-  class CommandLineTest < self
-    include GroongaCommandTestUtils::CommandLineCommandParser
+  private
+  def load_command(pair_arguments={}, ordered_arguments=[])
+    Groonga::Command::Load.new("load",
+                               pair_arguments,
+                               ordered_arguments)
+  end
+  class ConstructorTest < self
     def test_ordered_arguments
       values     = "[[\"Alice\"], [\"Bob\"]]"
       table      = "Users"
@@ -28,8 +33,15 @@ class LoadCommandTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
       input_type = "json"
       each       = "strlen(_key)"
-      command = parse(values, table, columns, ifexists, input_type, each)
-      assert_instance_of(Groonga::Command::Load, command)
+      ordered_arguments = [
+        values,
+        table,
+        columns,
+        ifexists,
+        input_type,
+        each,
+      ]
+      command = load_command({}, ordered_arguments)
                      :values     => values,
                      :table      => table,
@@ -40,10 +52,5 @@ class LoadCommandTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
-    private
-    def parse(*arguments)
-      super("load", arguments, :output_type => false)
-    end

  Modified: test/command/test-register.rb (+9 -10)
--- test/command/test-register.rb    2013-09-18 17:25:21 +0900 (ada2aca)
+++ test/command/test-register.rb    2013-09-29 18:08:24 +0900 (bdd35a0)
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Copyright (C) 2012  Kouhei Sutou <kou �� clear-code.com>
+# Copyright (C) 2012-2013  Kouhei Sutou <kou �� clear-code.com>
 # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
@@ -17,23 +17,22 @@
 # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
 class RegisterCommandTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
-  class CommandLineTest < self
-    include GroongaCommandTestUtils::CommandLineCommandParser
+  private
+  def register_command(pair_arguments={}, ordered_arguments=[])
+    Groonga::Command::Register.new("register",
+                                   pair_arguments,
+                                   ordered_arguments)
+  end
+  class ConstructorTest < self
     def test_ordered_arguments
       path = "tokenizers/mecab"
-      command = parse(path)
-      assert_instance_of(Groonga::Command::Register, command)
+      command = register_command({}, [path])
                      :path => path,
-    private
-    def parse(*arguments)
-      super("register", arguments, :output_type => false)
-    end

  Modified: test/command/test-select.rb (+83 -82)
--- test/command/test-select.rb    2013-09-18 17:25:21 +0900 (fd6fd58)
+++ test/command/test-select.rb    2013-09-29 18:08:24 +0900 (f49c20d)
@@ -17,87 +17,88 @@
 # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
 class SelectCommandTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
-  include GroongaCommandTestUtils::CommandLineCommandParser
+  private
+  def select_command(pair_arguments={}, ordered_arguments=[])
+    Groonga::Command::Select.new("select", pair_arguments, ordered_arguments)
+  end
-  def test_ordered_argument
-    table = "Users"
-    match_columns = "name * 10 || description"
-    query = "groonga"
-    filter = "age >= 18"
-    scorer = "_score = age"
-    sortby = "_score"
-    output_columns = "_key, name"
-    offset = "10"
-    limit = "20"
-    drilldown = "name"
-    drilldown_sortby = "_nsubrecs"
-    drilldown_output_columns = "name, _nsubrecs"
-    drilldown_offset = "5"
-    drilldown_limit = "10"
-    cache = "no"
-    match_escalation_threshold = "-1"
-    query_expansion = "deprecated"
-    query_flags = "ALLOW_LEADING_NOT"
-    query_expander = "Terms.synonym"
-    command = parse("select",
-                    [
-                      table,
-                      match_columns,
-                      query,
-                      filter,
-                      scorer,
-                      sortby,
-                      output_columns,
-                      offset,
-                      limit,
-                      drilldown,
-                      drilldown_sortby,
-                      drilldown_output_columns,
-                      drilldown_offset,
-                      drilldown_limit,
-                      cache,
-                      match_escalation_threshold,
-                      query_expansion,
-                      query_flags,
-                      query_expander,
-                    ],
-                    :output_type => false)
+  class ConstructorTest < self
+    def test_ordered_argument
+      table                      = "Users"
+      match_columns              = "name * 10 || description"
+      query                      = "groonga"
+      filter                     = "age >= 18"
+      scorer                     = "_score = age"
+      sortby                     = "_score"
+      output_columns             = "_key, name"
+      offset                     = "10"
+      limit                      = "20"
+      drilldown                  = "name"
+      drilldown_sortby           = "_nsubrecs"
+      drilldown_output_columns   = "name, _nsubrecs"
+      drilldown_offset           = "5"
+      drilldown_limit            = "10"
+      cache                      = "no"
+      match_escalation_threshold = "-1"
+      query_expansion            = "deprecated"
+      query_flags                = "ALLOW_LEADING_NOT"
+      query_expander             = "Terms.synonym"
-    assert_instance_of(Groonga::Command::Select, command)
-    assert_equal({
-                   :table                      => table,
-                   :match_columns              => match_columns,
-                   :query                      => query,
-                   :filter                     => filter,
-                   :scorer                     => scorer,
-                   :sortby                     => sortby,
-                   :output_columns             => output_columns,
-                   :offset                     => offset,
-                   :limit                      => limit,
-                   :drilldown                  => drilldown,
-                   :drilldown_sortby           => drilldown_sortby,
-                   :drilldown_output_columns   => drilldown_output_columns,
-                   :drilldown_offset           => drilldown_offset,
-                   :drilldown_limit            => drilldown_limit,
-                   :cache                      => cache,
-                   :match_escalation_threshold => match_escalation_threshold,
-                   :query_expansion            => query_expansion,
-                   :query_flags                => query_flags,
-                   :query_expander             => query_expander,
-                 },
-                 command.arguments)
-  end
+      ordered_arguments = [
+        table,
+        match_columns,
+        query,
+        filter,
+        scorer,
+        sortby,
+        output_columns,
+        offset,
+        limit,
+        drilldown,
+        drilldown_sortby,
+        drilldown_output_columns,
+        drilldown_offset,
+        drilldown_limit,
+        cache,
+        match_escalation_threshold,
+        query_expansion,
+        query_flags,
+        query_expander,
+      ]
+      command = select_command({}, ordered_arguments)
-  def test_scorer
-    select = command(:table => "Users",
-                     :filter => "age<=30",
-                     :scorer => "_score = random()")
-    assert_equal("_score = random()", select.scorer)
+      assert_equal({
+                     :table                      => table,
+                     :match_columns              => match_columns,
+                     :query                      => query,
+                     :filter                     => filter,
+                     :scorer                     => scorer,
+                     :sortby                     => sortby,
+                     :output_columns             => output_columns,
+                     :offset                     => offset,
+                     :limit                      => limit,
+                     :drilldown                  => drilldown,
+                     :drilldown_sortby           => drilldown_sortby,
+                     :drilldown_output_columns   => drilldown_output_columns,
+                     :drilldown_offset           => drilldown_offset,
+                     :drilldown_limit            => drilldown_limit,
+                     :cache                      => cache,
+                     :match_escalation_threshold => match_escalation_threshold,
+                     :query_expansion            => query_expansion,
+                     :query_flags                => query_flags,
+                     :query_expander             => query_expander,
+                   },
+                   command.arguments)
+    end
-  private
-  def command(arguments)
-    Groonga::Command::Select.new("select", arguments)
+  class ScorerTest < self
+    def test_reader
+      command = select_command(:table  => "Users",
+                               :filter => "age<=30",
+                               :scorer => "_score = random()")
+      assert_equal("_score = random()", command.scorer)
+    end
   class FilterTest < self
@@ -106,8 +107,8 @@ class SelectCommandTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
                                 '"35.73360x139.7394","62614x139.7714") && ' +
                 '((type == "たいやき" || type == "和菓子")) && ' +
                  'keyword @ "たいやき" &! keyword @ "白" &! keyword @ "養殖"'
-      select = command(:table => "Users",
-                       :filter => filter)
+      command = select_command(:table => "Users",
+                               :filter => filter)
       assert_equal(['geo_in_rectangle(location,' +
                      'type == "たいやき"',
@@ -115,14 +116,14 @@ class SelectCommandTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
                      'keyword @ "たいやき"',
                      'keyword @ "白"',
                      'keyword @ "養殖"'],
-                   select.conditions)
+                   command.conditions)
     def test_omitted
-      select = command(:table => "Users",
-                       :filter => nil)
+      command = select_command(:table => "Users",
+                               :filter => nil)
-                   select.conditions)
+                   command.conditions)

  Modified: test/command/test-suggest.rb (+43 -35)
--- test/command/test-suggest.rb    2013-09-18 17:25:21 +0900 (4491671)
+++ test/command/test-suggest.rb    2013-09-29 18:08:24 +0900 (4025ba4)
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright (C) 2013  Kouhei Sutou <kou �� clear-code.com>
 # Copyright (C) 2012  Haruka Yoshihara <yoshihara �� clear-code.com>
 # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
@@ -17,52 +18,59 @@
 # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
 class SuggestCommandTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
-  class CommandLineTest < self
-    include GroongaCommandTestUtils::CommandLineCommandParser
+  private
+  def suggest_command(pair_arguments={}, ordered_arguments=[])
+    Groonga::Command::Suggest.new("suggest",
+                                  pair_arguments,
+                                  ordered_arguments)
+  end
+  class ConstructorTest < self
     def test_ordered_arguments
-      types = "complete"
-      table = "Users"
-      column = "name"
-      query = "name:@ Ali"
-      sortby = "_score"
-      output_columns = "name"
-      offset = "0"
-      limit = "5"
-      frequency_threshold = "120"
+      types                             = "complete"
+      table                             = "Users"
+      column                            = "name"
+      query                             = "name:@ Ali"
+      sortby                            = "_score"
+      output_columns                    = "name"
+      offset                            = "0"
+      limit                             = "5"
+      frequency_threshold               = "120"
       conditional_probability_threshold = "0.3"
-      prefix_search = "yes"
-      similar_search = "yes"
+      prefix_search                     = "yes"
+      similar_search                    = "yes"
-      arguments = [
-        types, table, column, query, sortby, output_columns,
-        offset, limit, frequency_threshold,
+      ordered_arguments = [
+        types,
+        table,
+        column,
+        query,
+        sortby,
+        output_columns,
+        offset,
+        limit,
+        frequency_threshold,
-        prefix_search, similar_search
+        prefix_search,
+        similar_search
-      command = parse(*arguments)
-      assert_instance_of(Groonga::Command::Suggest, command)
+      command = suggest_command({}, ordered_arguments)
       expected_arguments = {
-        :types => types,
-        :table => table,
-        :column => column,
-        :query => query,
-        :sortby => sortby,
-        :output_columns => output_columns,
-        :offset => offset,
-        :limit => limit,
-        :frequency_threshold => frequency_threshold,
+        :types                             => types,
+        :table                             => table,
+        :column                            => column,
+        :query                             => query,
+        :sortby                            => sortby,
+        :output_columns                    => output_columns,
+        :offset                            => offset,
+        :limit                             => limit,
+        :frequency_threshold               => frequency_threshold,
         :conditional_probability_threshold => conditional_probability_threshold,
-        :prefix_search => prefix_search,
-        :similar_search => similar_search
+        :prefix_search                     => prefix_search,
+        :similar_search                    => similar_search
       assert_equal(expected_arguments, command.arguments)
-    private
-    def parse(*arguments)
-      super("suggest", arguments, :output_type => false)
-    end

  Modified: test/command/test-table-create.rb (+101 -94)
--- test/command/test-table-create.rb    2013-09-18 17:25:21 +0900 (70df59d)
+++ test/command/test-table-create.rb    2013-09-29 18:08:24 +0900 (c3ee6cb)
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Copyright (C) 2012  Kouhei Sutou <kou �� clear-code.com>
+# Copyright (C) 2012-2013  Kouhei Sutou <kou �� clear-code.com>
 # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
@@ -17,9 +17,14 @@
 # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
 class TableCreateCommandTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
-  class CommandLineTest < self
-    include GroongaCommandTestUtils::CommandLineCommandParser
+  private
+  def table_create_command(pair_arguments={}, ordered_arguments=[])
+    Groonga::Command::TableCreate.new("table_create",
+                                      pair_arguments,
+                                      ordered_arguments)
+  end
+  class ConstructorTest < self
     def test_ordered_arguments
       name              = "Users"
       flags             = "TABLE_PAT_KEY"
@@ -28,8 +33,15 @@ class TableCreateCommandTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
       default_tokenizer = "TokenBigram"
       normalizer        = "NormalizerAuto"
-      command = parse([name, flags, key_type, value_type, default_tokenizer, normalizer])
-      assert_instance_of(Groonga::Command::TableCreate, command)
+      ordered_arguments = [
+        name,
+        flags,
+        key_type,
+        value_type,
+        default_tokenizer,
+        normalizer,
+      ]
+      command = table_create_command({}, ordered_arguments)
                      :name              => name,
                      :flags             => flags,
@@ -40,105 +52,100 @@ class TableCreateCommandTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
+  end
-    private
-    def parse(arguments)
-      super("table_create", arguments, :output_type => false)
+  class FlagsTest < self
+    def test_multiple
+      command = table_create_command({"flags" => "TABLE_PAT_KEY|KEY_WITH_SIS"})
+      assert_equal(["TABLE_PAT_KEY", "KEY_WITH_SIS"],
+                   command.flags)
-    class FlagsTest < self
-      def test_multiple
-        command = parse({"flags" => "TABLE_PAT_KEY|KEY_WITH_SIS"})
-        assert_equal(["TABLE_PAT_KEY", "KEY_WITH_SIS"],
-                     command.flags)
-      end
+    def test_one
+      command = table_create_command({"flags" => "TABLE_NO_KEY"})
+      assert_equal(["TABLE_NO_KEY"],
+                   command.flags)
+    end
-      def test_one
-        command = parse({"flags" => "TABLE_NO_KEY"})
-        assert_equal(["TABLE_NO_KEY"],
-                     command.flags)
-      end
+    def test_no_flags
+      command = table_create_command
+      assert_equal([], command.flags)
+    end
-      def test_no_flags
-        command = parse({})
-        assert_equal([], command.flags)
+    class PredicateTest < self
+      data({
+             "TABLE_NO_KEY" => {
+               :expected => true,
+               :flags    => "TABLE_NO_KEY",
+             },
+             "other flag"   => {
+               :expected => false,
+               :flags    => "TABLE_HASH_KEY",
+             }
+           })
+      def test_table_no_key?(data)
+        command = table_create_command({"flags" => data[:flags]})
+        assert_equal(data[:expected], command.table_no_key?)
-      class PredicateTest < self
-        data({
-               "TABLE_NO_KEY" => {
-                 :expected => true,
-                 :flags    => "TABLE_NO_KEY",
-               },
-               "other flag"   => {
-                 :expected => false,
-                 :flags    => "TABLE_HASH_KEY",
-               }
-             })
-        def test_table_no_key?(data)
-          command = parse({"flags" => data[:flags]})
-          assert_equal(data[:expected], command.table_no_key?)
-        end
-        data({
-               "TABLE_HASH_KEY" => {
-                 :expected => true,
-                 :flags    => "TABLE_HASH_KEY",
-               },
-               "other flag"   => {
-                 :expected => false,
-                 :flags    => "TABLE_PAT_KEY",
-               }
-             })
-        def test_table_hash_key?(data)
-          command = parse({"flags" => data[:flags]})
-          assert_equal(data[:expected], command.table_hash_key?)
-        end
+      data({
+             "TABLE_HASH_KEY" => {
+               :expected => true,
+               :flags    => "TABLE_HASH_KEY",
+             },
+             "other flag"   => {
+               :expected => false,
+               :flags    => "TABLE_PAT_KEY",
+             }
+           })
+      def test_table_hash_key?(data)
+        command = table_create_command({"flags" => data[:flags]})
+        assert_equal(data[:expected], command.table_hash_key?)
+      end
-        data({
-               "TABLE_PAT_KEY" => {
-                 :expected => true,
-                 :flags    => "TABLE_PAT_KEY",
-               },
-               "other flag"   => {
-                 :expected => false,
-                 :flags    => "TABLE_DAT_KEY",
-               }
-             })
-        def test_table_pat_key?(data)
-          command = parse({"flags" => data[:flags]})
-          assert_equal(data[:expected], command.table_pat_key?)
-        end
+      data({
+             "TABLE_PAT_KEY" => {
+               :expected => true,
+               :flags    => "TABLE_PAT_KEY",
+             },
+             "other flag"   => {
+               :expected => false,
+               :flags    => "TABLE_DAT_KEY",
+             }
+           })
+      def test_table_pat_key?(data)
+        command = table_create_command({"flags" => data[:flags]})
+        assert_equal(data[:expected], command.table_pat_key?)
+      end
-        data({
-               "TABLE_DAT_KEY" => {
-                 :expected => true,
-                 :flags    => "TABLE_DAT_KEY",
-               },
-               "other flag"   => {
-                 :expected => false,
-                 :flags    => "TABLE_NO_KEY",
-               }
-             })
-        def test_table_dat_key?(data)
-          command = parse({"flags" => data[:flags]})
-          assert_equal(data[:expected], command.table_dat_key?)
-        end
+      data({
+             "TABLE_DAT_KEY" => {
+               :expected => true,
+               :flags    => "TABLE_DAT_KEY",
+             },
+             "other flag"   => {
+               :expected => false,
+               :flags    => "TABLE_NO_KEY",
+             }
+           })
+      def test_table_dat_key?(data)
+        command = table_create_command({"flags" => data[:flags]})
+        assert_equal(data[:expected], command.table_dat_key?)
+      end
-        data({
-               "KEY_WITH_SIS" => {
-                 :expected => true,
-                 :flags    => "KEY_WITH_SIS|TABLE_PAT_KEY",
-               },
-               "other flag"   => {
-                 :expected => false,
-                 :flags    => "TABLE_NO_KEY",
-               }
-             })
-        def test_key_with_sis?(data)
-          command = parse({"flags" => data[:flags]})
-          assert_equal(data[:expected], command.key_with_sis?)
-        end
+      data({
+             "KEY_WITH_SIS" => {
+               :expected => true,
+               :flags    => "KEY_WITH_SIS|TABLE_PAT_KEY",
+             },
+             "other flag"   => {
+               :expected => false,
+               :flags    => "TABLE_NO_KEY",
+             }
+           })
+      def test_key_with_sis?(data)
+        command = table_create_command({"flags" => data[:flags]})
+        assert_equal(data[:expected], command.key_with_sis?)

  Modified: test/command/test-table-remove.rb (+9 -10)
--- test/command/test-table-remove.rb    2013-09-18 17:25:21 +0900 (d0c546c)
+++ test/command/test-table-remove.rb    2013-09-29 18:08:24 +0900 (8c8c35c)
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Copyright (C) 2012  Kouhei Sutou <kou �� clear-code.com>
+# Copyright (C) 2012-2013  Kouhei Sutou <kou �� clear-code.com>
 # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
@@ -17,23 +17,22 @@
 # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
 class TableRemoveCommandTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
-  class CommandLineTest < self
-    include GroongaCommandTestUtils::CommandLineCommandParser
+  private
+  def table_remove_command(pair_arguments={}, ordered_arguments=[])
+    Groonga::Command::TableRemove.new("table_remove",
+                                      pair_arguments,
+                                      ordered_arguments)
+  end
+  class ConstructorTest < self
     def test_ordered_arguments
       name = "Users"
-      command = parse(name)
-      assert_instance_of(Groonga::Command::TableRemove, command)
+      command = table_remove_command({}, [name])
                      :name => name,
-    private
-    def parse(*arguments)
-      super("table_remove", arguments, :output_type => false)
-    end

  Modified: test/command/test-table-rename.rb (+9 -10)
--- test/command/test-table-rename.rb    2013-09-18 17:25:21 +0900 (403f316)
+++ test/command/test-table-rename.rb    2013-09-29 18:08:24 +0900 (79b2c1c)
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Copyright (C) 2012  Kouhei Sutou <kou �� clear-code.com>
+# Copyright (C) 2012-2013  Kouhei Sutou <kou �� clear-code.com>
 # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
@@ -17,25 +17,24 @@
 # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
 class TableRenameCommandTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
-  class CommandLineTest < self
-    include GroongaCommandTestUtils::CommandLineCommandParser
+  private
+  def table_rename_command(pair_arguments={}, ordered_arguments=[])
+    Groonga::Command::TableRename.new("table_rename",
+                                      pair_arguments,
+                                      ordered_arguments)
+  end
+  class ConstructorTest < self
     def test_ordered_arguments
       name     = "Users"
       new_name = "People"
-      command = parse(name, new_name)
-      assert_instance_of(Groonga::Command::TableRename, command)
+      command = table_rename_command({}, [name, new_name])
                      :name     => name,
                      :new_name => new_name,
-    private
-    def parse(*arguments)
-      super("table_rename", arguments, :output_type => false)
-    end

  Modified: test/command/test-truncate.rb (+9 -10)
--- test/command/test-truncate.rb    2013-09-18 17:25:21 +0900 (02069ff)
+++ test/command/test-truncate.rb    2013-09-29 18:08:24 +0900 (18a2b16)
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Copyright (C) 2012  Kouhei Sutou <kou �� clear-code.com>
+# Copyright (C) 2012-2013  Kouhei Sutou <kou �� clear-code.com>
 # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
@@ -17,23 +17,22 @@
 # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
 class TruncateCommandTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
-  class CommandLineTest < self
-    include GroongaCommandTestUtils::CommandLineCommandParser
+  private
+  def truncate_command(pair_arguments={}, ordered_arguments=[])
+    Groonga::Command::Truncate.new("truncate",
+                                   pair_arguments,
+                                   ordered_arguments)
+  end
+  class ConstructorTest < self
     def test_ordered_arguments
       table = "Users"
-      command = parse(table)
-      assert_instance_of(Groonga::Command::Truncate, command)
+      command = truncate_command([], [table])
                      :table => table,
-    private
-    def parse(*arguments)
-      super("truncate", arguments, :output_type => false)
-    end

  Modified: test/groonga-command-test-utils.rb (+1 -81)
--- test/groonga-command-test-utils.rb    2013-09-18 17:25:21 +0900 (0412f03)
+++ test/groonga-command-test-utils.rb    2013-09-29 18:08:24 +0900 (1d7c3b2)
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Copyright (C) 2011-2012  Kouhei Sutou <kou �� clear-code.com>
+# Copyright (C) 2011-2013  Kouhei Sutou <kou �� clear-code.com>
 # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
@@ -16,87 +16,7 @@
 # License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
 # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
-require "cgi"
-require "stringio"
 require "groonga/command"
 module GroongaCommandTestUtils
-  module CommandParser
-    private
-    def command(name, arguments)
-      Groonga::Command.find(name).new(name, arguments)
-    end
-    def parse_http_path(command, arguments, options={})
-      path = "/d/#{command}"
-      case options[:output_type]
-      when false
-      when nil
-        path << ".json"
-      else
-        path << ".#{options[:output_type]}"
-      end
-      unless arguments.empty?
-        uri_arguments = arguments.collect do |key, value|
-          [CGI.escape(key.to_s), CGI.escape(value.to_s)].join("=")
-        end
-        path << "?"
-        path << uri_arguments.join("&")
-      end
-      Groonga::Command::Parser.parse(path)
-    end
-    def parse_command_line(command, arguments, options={})
-      command_line = "#{command}"
-      case options[:output_type]
-      when false
-      when nil
-        command_line << " --output_type json"
-      else
-        command_line << " --output_type #{options[:output_type]}"
-      end
-      if arguments.is_a?(Hash)
-        arguments.each do |key, value|
-          escaped_value = escape_command_line_value(value)
-          command_line << " --#{key} #{escaped_value}"
-        end
-      else
-        arguments.each do |argument|
-          command_line << " #{escape_command_line_value(argument)}"
-        end
-      end
-      Groonga::Command::Parser.parse(command_line)
-    end
-    def escape_command_line_value(value)
-      if /"| / =~ value
-        '"' + value.gsub(/"/, '\"') + '"'
-      else
-        value
-      end
-    end
-  end
-  module HTTPCommandParser
-    include CommandParser
-    private
-    def parse(command, arguments={}, options={})
-      parse_http_path(command, arguments, options)
-    end
-  end
-  module CommandLineCommandParser
-    include CommandParser
-    private
-    def parse(command, arguments={}, options={})
-      parse_command_line(command, arguments, options)
-    end
-  end

  Deleted: test/test-parser.rb (+0 -377) 100644
--- test/test-parser.rb    2013-09-18 17:25:21 +0900 (015d5dd)
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,377 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Copyright (C) 2011-2012  Kouhei Sutou <kou �� clear-code.com>
-# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
-# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# Lesser General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
-# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
-class ParserTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
-  module ParseTests
-    def test_parameters
-      select = parse("select",
-                     :table => "Users",
-                     :filter => "age<=30")
-      assert_equal(command("select",
-                           "table" => "Users",
-                           "filter" => "age<=30",
-                           "output_type" => "json"),
-                   select)
-    end
-  end
-  class HTTPTest < self
-    include GroongaCommandTestUtils::HTTPCommandParser
-    def test_uri_format?
-      command = parse("status")
-      assert_predicate(command, :uri_format?)
-    end
-    def test_command_format?
-      command = parse("status")
-      assert_not_predicate(command, :command_format?)
-    end
-    def test_no_value
-      path = "/d/select?table=Users&key_only"
-      command = Groonga::Command::Parser.parse(path)
-      assert_equal({:table => "Users"}, command.arguments)
-    end
-    class ParseTest < self
-      include ParseTests
-    end
-  end
-  class CommandLineTest < self
-    include GroongaCommandTestUtils::CommandLineCommandParser
-    def test_uri_format?
-      command = parse("status")
-      assert_not_predicate(command, :uri_format?)
-    end
-    def test_command_format?
-      command = parse("status")
-      assert_predicate(command, :command_format?)
-    end
-    class ParseTest < self
-      include ParseTests
-    end
-    class EventTest < self
-      def setup
-        @parser = Groonga::Command::Parser.new
-      end
-      class CommandTest < self
-        def test_newline
-          parsed_command = nil
-          @parser.on_command do |command|
-            parsed_command = command
-          end
-          @parser << "status"
-          assert_nil(parsed_command)
-          @parser << "\n"
-          assert_equal("status", parsed_command.name)
-        end
-        def test_finish
-          parsed_command = nil
-          @parser.on_command do |command|
-            parsed_command = command
-          end
-          @parser << "status"
-          assert_nil(parsed_command)
-          @parser.finish
-          assert_equal("status", parsed_command.name)
-        end
-        def test_empty_line
-          parsed_command = nil
-          @parser.on_command do |command|
-            parsed_command = command
-          end
-          @parser << "\n"
-          assert_nil(parsed_command)
-          @parser << "status\n"
-          assert_equal("status", parsed_command.name)
-        end
-        def test_multi_lines
-          parsed_commands = []
-          @parser.on_command do |command|
-            parsed_commands << command
-          end
-          @parser << <<-COMMAND_LIST.chomp
-          COMMAND_LIST
-          assert_equal(["table_list"],
-                       parsed_commands.collect(&:name))
-          @parser.finish
-          assert_equal(["table_list", "status"],
-                       parsed_commands.collect(&:name))
-        end
-      end
-      class LoadTest < self
-        def setup
-          super
-          @events = []
-          @parser.on_load_start do |command|
-            @events << [:load_start, command.original_source.dup]
-          end
-          @parser.on_load_columns do |command, header|
-            @events << [:load_columns, command.original_source.dup, header]
-          end
-          @parser.on_load_value do |command, value|
-            @events << [:load_value, command.original_source.dup, value]
-          end
-          @parser.on_load_complete do |command|
-            @events << [:load_complete, command.original_source.dup]
-          end
-        end
-        class InlineTest < self
-          class BracketTest < self
-            def test_have_columns
-              command_line =
-                "load " +
-                  "--columns '_key, name' " +
-                  "--values '[[\"alice\", \"Alice\"]]' " +
-                  "--table Users"
-              @parser << command_line
-              assert_equal([], @events)
-              @parser << "\n"
-              assert_equal([
-                             [:load_start, command_line],
-                             [:load_columns, command_line, ["_key", "name"]],
-                             [:load_value, command_line, ["alice", "Alice"]],
-                             [:load_complete, command_line],
-                           ],
-                           @events)
-            end
-            def test_no_columns
-              command_line = "load --values '[[\"_key\"], [1]]' --table IDs"
-              @parser << command_line
-              assert_equal([], @events)
-              @parser << "\n"
-              assert_equal([
-                             [:load_start, command_line],
-                             [:load_columns, command_line, ["_key"]],
-                             [:load_value, command_line, [1]],
-                             [:load_complete, command_line],
-                           ],
-                           @events)
-            end
-          end
-          def test_brace
-            command_line = "load --values '[{\"_key\": 1}]' --table IDs"
-            @parser << command_line
-            assert_equal([], @events)
-            @parser << "\n"
-            assert_equal([
-                           [:load_start, command_line],
-                           [:load_value, command_line, {"_key" => 1}],
-                           [:load_complete, command_line],
-                         ],
-                         @events)
-          end
-        end
-        class MultiLineTest < self
-          class BracketTest < self
-            def test_have_columns
-              @parser << <<-EOC
-load --table Users --columns "_key, name"
-["alice", "Alice"]
-              expected_events = []
-              expected_events << [:load_start, <<-EOC.chomp]
-load --table Users --columns "_key, name"
-              expected_events << [:load_columns, <<-EOC.chomp, ["_key", "name"]]
-load --table Users --columns "_key, name"
-              expected_events << [:load_value, <<-EOC.chomp, ["alice", "Alice"]]
-load --table Users --columns "_key, name"
-["alice", "Alice"]
-              expected_events << [:load_complete, <<-EOC.chomp]
-load --table Users --columns "_key, name"
-["alice", "Alice"]
-              assert_equal(expected_events, @events)
-            end
-            def test_no_columns
-              @parser << <<-EOC
-load --table Users
-["_key", "name"],
-["alice", "Alice"]
-              expected_events = []
-              expected_events << [:load_start, <<-EOC.chomp]
-load --table Users
-              expected_events << [:load_columns, <<-EOC.chomp, ["_key", "name"]]
-load --table Users
-["_key", "name"]
-              expected_events << [:load_value, <<-EOC.chomp, ["alice", "Alice"]]
-load --table Users
-["_key", "name"],
-["alice", "Alice"]
-              expected_events << [:load_complete, <<-EOC.chomp]
-load --table Users
-["_key", "name"],
-["alice", "Alice"]
-              assert_equal(expected_events, @events)
-            end
-          end
-          def test_brace
-            @parser << <<-EOC
-load --table Users
-{"_key": "alice", "name": "Alice"},
-{"_key": "bob",   "name": "Bob"}
-            expected_events = []
-            expected_events << [:load_start, <<-EOC.chomp]
-load --table Users
-            value = {"_key" => "alice", "name" => "Alice"}
-            expected_events << [:load_value, <<-EOC.chomp, value]
-load --table Users
-{"_key": "alice", "name": "Alice"}
-            value = {"_key" => "bob", "name" => "Bob"}
-            expected_events << [:load_value, <<-EOC.chomp, value]
-load --table Users
-{"_key": "alice", "name": "Alice"},
-{"_key": "bob",   "name": "Bob"}
-            expected_events << [:load_complete, <<-EOC.chomp]
-load --table Users
-{"_key": "alice", "name": "Alice"},
-{"_key": "bob",   "name": "Bob"}
-            assert_equal(expected_events, @events)
-          end
-        end
-        class ErrorTest < self
-          def test_location
-            message = "record separate comma is missing"
-            before = "{\"_key\": \"alice\", \"name\": \"Alice\"}"
-            after = "\n{\"_key\": \"bob\""
-            error = Groonga::Command::ParseError.new(message, before, after)
-            assert_equal(<<-EOS.chomp, error.message)
-record separate comma is missing:
-{"_key": "alice", "name": "Alice"}
-                                  ^
-{"_key": "bob"
-          end
-          def test_no_record_separate_comma
-            message = "record separate comma is missing"
-            before = "{\"_key\": \"alice\", \"name\": \"Alice\"}"
-            after = "\n{\"_key\": \"bob\""
-            error = Groonga::Command::ParseError.new(message, before, after)
-            assert_raise(error) do
-              @parser << <<-EOC
-load --table Users
-{"_key": "alice", "name": "Alice"}
-{"_key": "bob",   "name": "Bob"}
-            end
-          end
-          def test_garbage_before_json
-            message = "there are garbages before JSON"
-            before = "load --table Users\n"
-            after = "XXX\n"
-            error = Groonga::Command::ParseError.new(message, before, after)
-            assert_raise(error) do
-              @parser << <<-EOC
-load --table Users
-{"_key": "alice", "name": "Alice"}
-            end
-          end
-        end
-      end
-      class CommentTest < self
-        def test_newline
-          parsed_comment = nil
-          @parser.on_comment do |comment|
-            parsed_comment = comment
-          end
-          @parser << "# status"
-          assert_nil(parsed_comment)
-          @parser << "\n"
-          assert_equal(" status", parsed_comment)
-        end
-        def test_finish
-          parsed_comment = nil
-          @parser.on_comment do |comment|
-            parsed_comment = comment
-          end
-          @parser << "# status"
-          assert_nil(parsed_comment)
-          @parser.finish
-          assert_equal(" status", parsed_comment)
-        end
-      end
-    end
-  end

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