[Groonga-commit] groonga/groonga.org at c381c14 [gh-pages] Bump release version of Groonga to 8.0.9

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YUKI Hiroshi null+****@clear*****
Thu Nov 29 14:30:33 JST 2018

YUKI Hiroshi	2018-11-29 14:30:33 +0900 (Thu, 29 Nov 2018)

  Revision: c381c14b227c794a438814bfc8738694030d7465

    Bump release version of Groonga to 8.0.9

  Modified files:

  Modified: _config.yml (+2 -2)
--- _config.yml    2018-11-29 14:30:22 +0900 (22e0fa955)
+++ _config.yml    2018-11-29 14:30:33 +0900 (be11ddbef)
@@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ paginate: 5
 url: http://groonga.org
 future: true
 incremental: true
-groonga_version: 8.0.8
-groonga_release_date: 2018-10-29
+groonga_version: 8.0.9
+groonga_release_date: 2018-11-29
   input: GFM
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