[Groonga-mysql-commit] mroonga/mroonga at 0ca72be [master] count_skip: enable optimization for multi-column index

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Fujimoto Seiji null+****@clear*****
Thu Dec 21 15:24:00 JST 2017

Fujimoto Seiji	2017-12-06 12:43:38 +0900 (Wed, 06 Dec 2017)

  New Revision: 0ca72bef58d22f6c9de30842fc63e7fce0bbbeb1

  Merged 0e28a82: Merge pull request #179 from fujimotos/sf/count-skip-on-multicol

    count_skip: enable optimization for multi-column index
    Mroonga has a feature to skip the data retrieval routine when the
    MySQL/MariaDB server has no interest on the actual row records[1].
    This patch enables the optimimization for a multi-column fulltext
    index query like this:
        SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tbl WHERE MATCH (col1, col2) AGAINST ('q');
    [1] http://mroonga.org/docs/reference/optimizations.html#row-count

  Modified files:

  Modified: lib/mrn_count_skip_checker.cpp (+4 -12)
--- lib/mrn_count_skip_checker.cpp    2017-11-29 10:48:06 +0900 (216f3b7b)
+++ lib/mrn_count_skip_checker.cpp    2017-12-06 12:43:38 +0900 (2c85517e)
@@ -133,18 +133,10 @@ namespace mrn {
         Item_func *func_item = static_cast<Item_func *>(where);
         if (func_item->functype() == Item_func::FT_FUNC) {
-          if (select_lex_->select_n_where_fields == 1) {
-            GRN_LOG(ctx_, GRN_LOG_DEBUG,
-                    "[mroonga][count-skip][true] "
-                    "only one full text search condition");
-            DBUG_RETURN(true);
-          } else {
-            GRN_LOG(ctx_, GRN_LOG_DEBUG,
-                    "[mroonga][count-skip][false] "
-                    "full text search condition and more conditions: %u",
-                    select_lex_->select_n_where_fields);
-            DBUG_RETURN(false);
-          }
+          GRN_LOG(ctx_, GRN_LOG_DEBUG,
+                  "[mroonga][count-skip][true] "
+                  "only one full text search condition");
+          DBUG_RETURN(true);
         } else {
           skippable = is_skippable(func_item);
           if (skippable) {
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