[Howm-eng 20] Re: I have a trouble in todo list.

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khi****@users***** khi****@users*****
Sun Feb 12 22:02:22 JST 2006


At Sun, 12 Feb 2006 17:05:03 +0800,
highf****@gmail***** wrote:
> BUT there is no @ mark to show todo-menu, what's wrong with my howm-mode?

Sorry. It's just a typo. Please try RET on - mark.

> Another question: what is the size of keyword list, when it should be 
> tidied up?

Do you mean ~/.howm-keys file? All keywords are listed in this file.
When you save a note, '<<<' in the note is scanned and new keywords
are added to .howm-keys.
When you open a note, keywords in .howm-keys are checked and
matched strings are underlined.

My .howm-keys has about 2700 keywords, and I feel no need to
tidy them up. Both save and open take only 0.1 sec except for
too long notes.

$ wc -l .howm-keys 
2743 .howm-keys
$ du -hs howm/     
15M     howm/
$ ls howm/**/*.howm | wc -l
$ cat howm/**/*.howm | wc -l

$ grep 'model name' /proc/cpuinfo
model name      : Intel(R) Pentium(R) M processor 1.20GHz
$ grep MemTotal /proc/meminfo    
MemTotal:      1026728 kB


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