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Description du projet

A dictionary management tool for Anthy.

Système requise

System requirement is not defined

Livrée : 2004-11-29 17:33
kasumi 0.6 (1 files Cacher)

Notes de release

* 検索機能
* 単語の追加手順に変更
* anthy-dic-tool --dumpから直接辞書ファイルを読み込む
* 頻度欄を分かりやすく
* ショートカットキー

* 単語が削除されない
* 削除をしてから保存すると落ちる


2004-11-27 Takashi Nakamoto <bluedwarf@openoffice.org>

* Fix
- trivial code and comment change for easy code reading

2004-11-26 Takashi Nakamoto <bluedwarf@openoffice.org>

* KasumiAddWindow.cxx: New feature
- shortcut key for add window

* KasumiAddWindow:cxx: Fix
- to resize add window acorrding to content size

2004-11-25 Takashi Nakamoto <bluedwarf@openoffice.org>

* New feature
- Shortcut key

* Fix
- trivial change for Changed* methods' argument

2004-11-14 Takashi Nakamoto <bluedwarf@openoffice.org>

* Fix
- trivial change for temporary file

* New feature
- prefix search function

2004-11-12 Takashi Nakamoto <bluedwarf@openoffice.org>

* Fix
- adjust default frequency value and upper bounds

2004-11-10 Takashi Nakamoto <bluedwarf@openoffice.org>

* New feature
- search function (complete version)

2004-11-10 Takashi Nakamoto <bluedwarf@openoffice.org>

* KasumiDic.cxx: Load dictionary directly from "anthy-dic-tool
--dump" storing into temporary file.
If user removed word, it will be removed correctly from Anthy's
internal dictionary.
* Solved some compile warnings
* KasumiMainWindow.cxx: changed add word operation.
* New feature
- search function (test version)