[JM:01408] 2018 Batch.

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google.co.uk info****@sumir*****
2018年 5月 17日 (木) 01:08:16 JST


Belgrave House

76 Buckingham Palace Road

London SW1W 9TQ, United Kingdom.


We wish to congratulate you over your success in the official publication of results Of the E-mail electronic online sweepstake organized by Google. Google earns its profit mainly from advertising using their very own Gmail, Google Maps, Google Apps, You Tube video sharing.


This is to inform you that you are among the Ten lucky winners of Category A. A Winning cheque will be issued in your name by the Google Promotion Award Team.


You have therefore won the whole sum of 950,000.00 {Nine Hundred and Fifty Thousand Great British Pounds}


Jeffrey Dean - Google Senior Fellow (Program Administrator/Coordinator)

Email: jeffreydean[at]gp-team.co.uk



(1) Your Residential Address/Private Email Address

(2) Your Tel/Fax Numbers

(3) Your Nationality/Country

(4) Your Full Name

(5) Occupation/Age/Gender


Note: Enclosed (Attached Document) to this email is a detailed information about this notification.



Sundar Pichai - Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Google Inc™

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