[Maskat-develop 00012] [FYI] Rialto javascript API ver.0.8.6 リリース

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Youhei Kawada kawad****@nttda*****
2006年 10月 12日 (木) 18:36:08 JST


本日Rialto javascript API ver.0.8.6がリリースされました。



-----Original Message-----
From: rialt****@yahoo***** [mailto:rialt****@yahoo*****] On Behalf Of Cyril Balit
Sent: Thursday, October 12, 2006 6:01 PM
To: rialt****@yahoo*****
Subject: [rialto-dev] [RELEASE] 0.8.6 RELEASE


We add new entries in the download section of the rialto web site
corresponding to the 0.8.6 release:

With this new version, three files are availabble:

*	 rialtojavascriptapi.v0.8.6.zip: this zip file contain the rialto API
*	 rialtotaglib.v0.8.6.zip: this zip file contain the taglib to use with the rialtojavascriptapi.v0.8.6.zip file
*	 demorialto-v0.8.6.zip:this is the war of the rialto demo
What's new:

*	bug corection
*	continue the work on memory leak
*	rialto can start to be skinable
	*	The only component I don't change for the moment is the grid (and grid tree).
	*	 defaultSkin : css that is all the style to change to make a new theme
	*	 lightSkin.css is an example of another theme without image (I'm not a graphist so it is really ugly but it is a p.o.c)
	*	Most of the description will be in the defaultSkin.css as coments

    You can see a switch of this two themes on the demo of rialto (http://rialto.application-servers.com/demoRialto.jsp)

Cyril and Francois

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