[milter-manager-commit] milter-manager/milter-manager at 3bea015 [master] test core: Omit test when syslog file name candidates not found

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Kenji Okimoto null+****@clear*****
Mon Jun 19 13:52:31 JST 2017

Kenji Okimoto	2017-06-19 13:52:31 +0900 (Mon, 19 Jun 2017)

  New Revision: 3bea015413066a32eca7df724374fcee56742a8d

    test core: Omit test when syslog file name candidates not found
    Because pbuilder and sbuild does not run syslog and MTA.

  Modified files:

  Modified: test/core/test-syslog-logger.c (+3 -0)
--- test/core/test-syslog-logger.c    2017-06-19 13:51:38 +0900 (42aeb39)
+++ test/core/test-syslog-logger.c    2017-06-19 13:52:31 +0900 (135b80e)
@@ -61,6 +61,9 @@ setup_syslog (void)
     cut_set_message("syslog file name candidates: [%s]",
                     cut_take_string(g_strjoinv(", ", candidates)));
+    if (!syslog_file_name) {
+        cut_omit("syslog file name candidates not found.");
+    }
     cut_assert_equal_int(0, g_lstat(syslog_file_name, &status));
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