Fri Jul 13 23:31:05 JST 2018
Thank you, Earnie. I solved the problem few hours ago: I found a tar with the libmingwex-0.dll and put it in \lib\libexec\gcc\mingw32\6.3.0\: this fixed the first problem. Then I had to modify my path, as you kindly suggest: after that all seems to work fine. I would like to understand why the library was not installed, since I tried at least a dozen combinations - starting from that unchanged base configuration - but this is enough for now. Thanks so much, Antonio Con Mobile Open 7 GB a 9 euro/4 sett navighi veloce con 7 GB di Internet e hai 200 minuti ed SMS a 15 cent. Passa a Tiscali Mobile! http://tisca.li/Open7GB0617