[Mingw-users] MinGW 64 complications on Linux

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Keith Marshall keith****@users*****
Tue May 14 01:52:07 JST 2019

On 13/05/19 16:54, PT400C wrote:
> when trying to cross-compile a C++ lib plus the game supertuxkart
> (c++) to an executable Windows file, I'm running into problems.
> Everything mostly works - just as it does when trying to do the same
> thing just directly on Windows. .. Except for the stuff which happens
> in the screenshot I appended <https://i.ibb.co/Hp8YDFg/linux.png>
> (Also here is the exact log: https://pastebin.com/426Qi9mf). I guess
> that it's a kind of incompatibility or a problem with x64/x32 but I
> am not certain.
> Does anyone have an idea what might be the problem there?

It looks, to me, as if you are somehow managing to include both the
Linux native header files, together with (bogus) MinGW headers.  That's
guaranteed to fail; you need the MinGW headers alone.

Also, since it is evident that you are not using genuine MinGW headers,
this is not the list where you should be seeking support.


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