How to use Math Interactive

Installing and Updating Mint

How to install a Mint application:

Notice: You may want to install new Mint application under "./mint" directory. And we are starting with creating the directory.
$ mkdir mint
$ cd mint
$ git clone git://
$ git clone git://
$ cd ./mint-lib/
$ rake gem
$ gem install -i ~/.gem/ruby/1.8 pkg/mint-lib-0.0.1.gem
$ cd ../mint-server/

# Here you need to edit the adapter name in "./config/database.yml" file
# to adapt you DB. Follows are a case of Sqlite3.

| development:
| adapter: sqlite3
| encoding: unicode
| database: mint-server_development
| pool: 5
| username: mint-server
| password:

# Note''' You should edit test and production entries also.
$ rake gems
$ sudo rake gems:install
$ rake db:migrate db:seed
$ rake spec

Now you have installed new 'mint' application. Let's start with;
$ ./script/server

How to update a Mint application:

Notice: You have installed your Mint application under "./mint" directory. Here we start.
$ cd mint
$ cd mint-lib/
$ git pull --rebase origin master
$ rake gem
$ gem uninstall mint-lib
$ gem install -i ~/.gem/ruby/1.8/ pkg/mint-lib-0.0.1.gem
$ cd ../mint-server/
$ git pull --rebase origin master
$ rake db:migrate:reset db:seed
$ rake spec

Now your application is update. Let's start with
$ ./script/server