[Molds-dev] Unpaired_electron_population_code

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okuyama okymm****@gmail*****
2012年 11月 9日 (金) 09:43:24 JST

Dear Mr. Fujii

Thanks for your E-mail.
I thought that I'd like to confirm whether I could send the mail or not.
That's becauseI start using a new e-mailer.

I'min holiday since last Saturday.
I'm going to start my job from next Monday.
So, I can take enough time to developthe Molds until it.

I'm going to take abreakfast now.

Best regards.


(2012/11/09 9:25), Mikiya Fujii wrote:
> Dear Michihiro,
> I received the mail with the attached files.
> Sorry, I could not check your coding yesterday.
> But I am checking your code just now!
> Please wait a moment.
> Anyway, are you in holiday?
> Best,
> Mikiya
> ***************************************
> Mikiya Fujii, Ph.D.
> Yamashita & Ushiyama Laboratory,
> Department of Chemical System Engineering,
> Faculty of Engineering,
> The University of Tokyo.
> tel&fax: +81-3-5841-7286
> email: fujii****@tcl*****
> HP: http://www.tcl.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp/
> ***************************************
> 2012/11/9 Okuyama <okymm****@gmail*****>:
>> Dear Mr. Fujii
>> After receiving the mail of the following contents,
>> I send the mail with attached files again to Molds-dev mailing list.
>> Could you receive my mail ?
>> Best regards.
>> M. Okuyama
>> (2012年11月08日 12:35), Mikiya Fujii wrote:
>>> Dear M.Okuyama,
>>> Thanks for your contributions!!!
>>> However, the attached files were discarded by the mailing-list-system.
>>> I modified the setting of the mailing-list-system to allow attached files.
>>> Thus, please send the mail with the attached files again.
>>> My best,
>>> Mikiya
>>> ***************************************
>>> Mikiya Fujii, Ph.D.
>>> Yamashita & Ushiyama Laboratory,
>>> Department of Chemical System Engineering,
>>> Faculty of Engineering,
>>> The University of Tokyo.
>>> tel&fax: +81-3-5841-7286
>>> email: fujii****@tcl*****
>>> HP: http://www.tcl.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp/
>>> ***************************************
>>> 2012/11/8 okymmolds <okymm****@gmail*****>:
>>>> Dear Fujii
>>>> A patch file to calculate unpaired electron population
>>>> on ground state has been developed, where it's impossible to calculate
>>>> the population of excited states. orz
>>>> I send this patch file to you.
>>>> I wold like to get some opinion from you.
>>>> Best regards.
>>>> M.Okuyama
>>>> -------
>>>> How to patch by this patch file:
>>>> In revision 1106 source code, you can introduce
>>>> a calculation of unpaired electron population to
>>>> your MolDS by the following command,
>>>> mv unapired_pop.patch (work directory)/trunk/src
>>>> cd trunk/src
>>>> patch -p0 < unpaired_pop.patch
>>>> ---------
>>>> About output of unpaired electron population:
>>>> For example, in src directory, if you execute the following command,
>>>> ./MolDS.out ../test/h2o_zindos_directCIS_singlet.in,
>>>> you can find the following output,
>>>>                                 | i-th | atom type | Unpaired electron population[a.u.]|
>>>>         Unpaired electron population:   0       O       2.220446e-15
>>>>         Unpaired electron population:   1       H       0.000000e+00
>>>>         Unpaired electron population:   2       H       -1.110223e-15
>>>> . This is the output of unpaired electron population.
>>>> I will send this log as 'h2o_zindos_directCIS_singlet.log'.
>>>> The above case is an example.
>>>> In the job that calculates Mulliken charge, the calculation
>>>> of the unpaired electron population is executed.
>>>> --
>>>> okymmolds <okymm****@gmail*****>
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>> --
>> -------------------------
>>   Michihiro Okuyama
>>   okymm****@gmail*****
>> -------------------------
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