[Molds-dev] Makefiles are modified!!!

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Mikiya Fujii mikiy****@gmail*****
2012年 11月 28日 (水) 14:04:13 JST

Dear all,

I commit r1144 for the ticket #30207:
With this commit, you may be not able to compile the MolDS.
The reason is that versions of Boost and OpenBLAS are changed to be
not assigned in the Makefiles.
In such case, please hit following command

For intel-compiler
$ sudo ln -s "pass to your boost" /usr/local/boost

For gcc
$ sudo ln -s "pass to your boost" /usr/local/boost
$ sudo ln -s "pass to your opneBLAS" /usr/local/openblas

My best,

Mikiya Fujii, Ph.D.

Yamashita & Ushiyama Laboratory,
Department of Chemical System Engineering,
Faculty of Engineering,
The University of Tokyo.

tel&fax: +81-3-5841-7286
email: fujii****@tcl*****
HP: http://www.tcl.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp/

MolDS-dev メーリングリストの案内
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