Comment installer NyARToolkit for Android

1. launch your eclipse.
How to install Android SDK is below.

on emulator

2. Import source from git.
You can install git plug-in your eclipse from
a. Select File -> Import -> Git -> Git Repository -> Next
b. Input URI: git:// -> Select Next
c. Deselect all branches and Select android-2.2 branch -> Select Next -> Next -> Finish
3. Build the project.
It will start automatically.
Select File -> Properties -> Resource -> Text file encoding -> Other: UTF-8 -> OK
If you see some errors, Exit eclipse and relaunch the eclipse.
4. Install your gadget.
a. Connect your gadget and PC through the USB cable.
If your PC does not recognize your gadget, Turn on "USB Debugging" on your device.
see below.
b. Select Run -> Debug -> Android Application -> OK on your eclipse.