[Opfc-developer 109] opvp 1.0 のコミットについて

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TORATANI Yasumasa torat****@canon*****
2008年 4月 4日 (金) 16:20:10 JST


opvp 1.0 の GSへのコミットについて、Till から早速下記のような

- コメントは全て英語でしょうか?
- コメントは全て /* ... */ でしょうか?  //ではない?


Thank you for the slides. I will post them also in our Wiki, so that 
they are easy to find for everyone interested.

You write that the new OPVP 0.2/1.0 auto-switch interface to build into 
Ghostscript is ready. If you have SVN upload access to GPL Ghostscript, 
please commit your new code. Otherwise send me a tarball and I will 
commit the code. If the tarball contains patches, please update them to 
a current snapshot of the GPL Ghostscript SVN. Make also sure that all 
comments are in english and that they are correct C comments ("/* ... */").

For texttopdf and pdftoijs student applications for the Google Summer of 
Code have arrived, so most probably we will be able to deliver these 
flters via the Google Summer of Code. If someone of you is interested in 
mentoring, please tell. If not, Hin-Tak Leung will mentor the student on 
this project.

These filters are the last which were missing. So at the end of the GSoC 
we will get the PDF workflow completed, at least on the server side. For 
the application side I will advertise the PDF workflow on the joint 
meeting of OpenPrinting and Desktop Architects on the LF Summit in 
Austin next week.


Software Platform Technology Development Dept. 33
Digital Platform Technology Development HQs, CANON INC.

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