[perldocjp-cvs 230] CVS update: docs/perl/5.10.0

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argra****@users***** argra****@users*****
2008年 3月 10日 (月) 18:34:30 JST

Index: docs/perl/5.10.0/perlop.pod
diff -u docs/perl/5.10.0/perlop.pod:1.2 docs/perl/5.10.0/perlop.pod:1.3
--- docs/perl/5.10.0/perlop.pod:1.2	Fri Feb 15 00:25:09 2008
+++ docs/perl/5.10.0/perlop.pod	Mon Mar 10 18:34:30 2008
@@ -140,7 +140,7 @@
 =end original
-=end original
 =begin original
@@ -692,13 +692,12 @@
 最大の C<$b> の倍数を引いた値です。
 C<$b> が負の場合、C<$a % $b> は、C<$a> から C<$a> を下回らない
 最小の C<$b> の倍数を引いた値です。(従って結果はゼロ以下になります。)
-If the operands
-C<$a> and C<$b> are floating point values and the absolute value of
-C<$b> (that is C<abs($b)>) is less than C<(UV_MAX + 1)>, only
-the integer portion of C<$a> and C<$b> will be used in the operation
-(Note: here C<UV_MAX> means the maximum of the unsigned integer type).
-If the absolute value of the right operand (C<abs($b)>) is greater than
-or equal to C<(UV_MAX + 1)>, "%" computes the floating-point remainder
+オペランド C<$a> と C<$b> が浮動小数点数で、C<$b> の絶対値
+(つまり C<abs($b)>) が C<(UV_MAX + 1)> より小さい場合、
+C<$a> と C<$b> の整数部のみが操作で使われます
+(注意: ここで C<UV_MAX> は符号なし整数の最大値を意味します)。
+右オペランドの絶対値 (C<abs($b)>) が C<(UV_MAX + 1)> 以上の場合、
+"%" computes the floating-point remainder
 C<$r> in the equation C<($r = $a - $i*$b)> where C<$i> is a certain
 integer that makes C<$r> should have the same sign as the right operand
 C<$b> (B<not> as the left operand C<$a> like C function C<fmod()>)
@@ -1617,11 +1616,10 @@
 =end original
-If the initial value specified isn't part of a magical increment
-sequence (that is, a non-empty string matching "/^[a-zA-Z]*[0-9]*\z/"),
-only the initial value will be returned.  So the following will only
-return an alpha:
+(つまり、"/^[a-zA-Z]*[0-9]*\z/" にマッチングする、空でない文字列の場合)、
     use charnames 'greek';
     my @greek_small =  ("\N{alpha}" .. "\N{omega}");
@@ -2634,11 +2632,9 @@
 =end original
-If a precompiled pattern is embedded in a larger pattern then the effect
-of 'msixp' will be propagated appropriately.  The effect of the 'o'
-modifier has is not propagated, being restricted to those patterns
-explicitly using it.
+'msixp' の効果は適切に伝播します。
+'o' 修飾子の効果は伝播せず、明示的に使われたパターンに制限されます。
 =begin original
@@ -2685,9 +2681,8 @@
 =end original
-Options are as described in C<qr//>; in addition, the following match
-process modifiers are available:
+オプションは C<qr//> に記述されています; さらに、以下のマッチング処理
 =begin original
@@ -3121,9 +3116,7 @@
 =end original
-Options are as with m// with the addition of the following replacement
-specific options:
+オプションは、m// のものに加えて、以下の置換固有のものがあります:
 =begin original
@@ -4357,10 +4350,9 @@
 =end original
-No interpolation is performed at this stage.
-Any backslashed sequences including C<\\> are treated at the stage
-to L</"parsing regular expressions">.
+C<\\> を含む、バックスラッシュ付きのシーケンスは
+L</"parsing regular expressions"> で扱われます。
 =item C<''>, C<q//>, C<tr'''>, C<y'''>, the replacement of C<s'''>
@@ -4391,7 +4383,8 @@
 =end original
-No variable interpolation occurs.  String modifying combinations for
+String modifying combinations for
 case and quoting such as C<\Q>, C<\U>, and C<\E> are not recognized.
 The other escape sequences such as C<\200> and C<\t> and backslashed
 characters such as C<\\> and C<\-> are converted to appropriate literals.

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