[perldocjp-cvs 308] CVS update: docs/perl/5.8.8

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argra****@users***** argra****@users*****
2008年 11月 30日 (日) 03:13:37 JST

Index: docs/perl/5.8.8/perldata.pod
diff -u docs/perl/5.8.8/perldata.pod:1.6 docs/perl/5.8.8/perldata.pod:1.7
--- docs/perl/5.8.8/perldata.pod:1.6	Sat Aug 23 06:10:14 2008
+++ docs/perl/5.8.8/perldata.pod	Sun Nov 30 03:13:37 2008
@@ -109,11 +109,9 @@
 常に名前に '$' を付けます。
-The '$' symbol works
-semantically like the English word "the" in that it indicates a
-single value is expected.
+シンボル '$' は文法的に英単語 "the" のように働き、単一の値が
     $days		# the simple scalar value "days"
     $days[28]		# the 29th element of array @days
@@ -130,10 +128,9 @@
 =end original
 配列全体(および配列やハッシュのスライス)は '@' で示します;
-which works much like the word "these" or "those" does in English,
-in that it indicates multiple values are expected.
+これは英単語での "these" や "those" のように働き、複数の値が
     @days		# ($days[0], $days[1],... $days[n])
     @days[3,4,5]	# same as ($days[3],$days[4],$days[5])
@@ -360,14 +357,12 @@
 =end original
-When you use the C<use warnings> pragma or Perl's B<-w> command-line 
-option, you may see warnings
-about useless uses of constants or functions in "void context".
-Void context just means the value has been discarded, such as a
-statement containing only C<"fred";> or C<getpwuid(0);>.  It still
-counts as scalar context for functions that care whether or not
-they're being called in list context.
+C<use warnings> プラグマや Perl の B<-w> コマンドラインオプションを使うと、
+無効コンテキストは、C<"fred";> や C<getpwuid(0);> のみを含む文のように、
 =begin original
@@ -863,10 +858,9 @@
 =end original
-B<Note:> Version Strings (v-strings) have been deprecated.  They will
-not be available after Perl 5.8.  The marginal benefits of v-strings
-were greatly outweighed by the potential for Surprise and Confusion.
+B<注意:> バージョン文字列 (v-文字列) は非推奨です。
+これは Perl 5.8 より後では利用できなくなります。
 =begin original
@@ -881,15 +875,14 @@
 =end original
-A literal of the form C<v1.20.300.4000> is parsed as a string composed
-of characters with the specified ordinals.  This form, known as
-v-strings, provides an alternative, more readable way to construct
-strings, rather than use the somewhat less readable interpolation form
-C<"\x{1}\x{14}\x{12c}\x{fa0}">.  This is useful for representing
-Unicode strings, and for comparing version "numbers" using the string
-comparison operators, C<cmp>, C<gt>, C<lt> etc.  If there are two or
-more dots in the literal, the leading C<v> may be omitted.
+C<v1.20.300.4000> の形のリテラルは、指定された序数を持つ文字からなる
+C<"\x{1}\x{14}\x{12c}\x{fa0}"> よりも読みやすい文字列を構成する方法を
+これは Unicode 文字列を表現するためや、バージョン「番号」を文字列比較
+演算子  C<cmp>, C<gt>, C<lt> などを使って比較するときに便利です。
+もしリテラルに 2 つ以上のドットがある場合、先頭の C<v> は省略できます。
     print v9786;              # prints UTF-8 encoded SMILEY, "\x{263a}"
     print v102.111.111;       # prints "foo"
@@ -905,12 +898,13 @@
 =end original
-Such literals are accepted by both C<require> and C<use> for
-doing a version check.  The C<$^V> special variable also contains the
-running Perl interpreter's version in this form.  See L<perlvar/$^V>.
-Note that using the v-strings for IPv4 addresses is not portable unless
-you also use the inet_aton()/inet_ntoa() routines of the Socket package.
+このようなリテラルは C<require> と C<use> でバージョンチェックを行う場合に
+特殊変数 C<$^V> も、Perl インタプリタのバージョンをこの形式で保持します。
+L<perlvar/$^V> を参照してください。
+v-文字列を IPv4 アドレスに使うと、Socket パッケージの
+inet_aton()/inet_ntoa() ルーチンも使わない限り、移植性がないことに
 =begin original
@@ -924,14 +918,14 @@
 =end original
-Note that since Perl 5.8.1 the single-number v-strings (like C<v65>)
-are not v-strings before the C<< => >> operator (which is usually used
-to separate a hash key from a hash value), instead they are interpreted
-as literal strings ('v65').  They were v-strings from Perl 5.6.0 to
-Perl 5.8.0, but that caused more confusion and breakage than good.
-Multi-number v-strings like C<v65.66> and C<65.66.67> continue to
-be v-strings always.
+Perl 5.8.1 から、 (C<v65> のような) 単一の数値のv-文字列は C<< => >> 演算子
+(ハッシュキーとハッシュの値を分けるために普通使われます) の前では
+v-文字列ではなく、リテラル文字列 ('v65') として扱われることに
+これは Perl 5.6.0 から Perl 5.8.0 ではv-文字列でしたが、これはよいことよりも
+C<v65.66> や C<65.66.67> のような複数の数値の v-文字列 は常にv-文字列で
 =head3 Special Literals
 X<special literal> X<__END__> X<__DATA__> X<END> X<DATA>
@@ -1270,14 +1264,15 @@
 =end original
-This interpolation combines with the facts that the opening
+この展開は、combines with the facts that the opening
 and closing parentheses are optional (except when necessary for
 precedence) and lists may end with an optional comma to mean that
-multiple commas within lists are legal syntax. The list C<1,,3> is a
-concatenation of two lists, C<1,> and C<3>, the first of which ends
-with that optional comma.  C<1,,3> is C<(1,),(3)> is C<1,3> (And
-similarly for C<1,,,3> is C<(1,),(,),3> is C<1,3> and so on.)  Not that
-we'd advise you to use this obfuscation.
+multiple commas within lists are legal syntax.
+リスト C<1,,3> は 2 つのリスト C<1,> と C<3> の結合であり、
+1 つ目のリストはオプションのカンマで終わっています。
+C<1,,3> は C<(1,),(3)> で C<1,3> です (そして同様に C<1,,,3> は
+C<(1,),(,),3> で C<1,3> です。以下同様。)
 =begin original
@@ -1367,7 +1362,8 @@
 It's also the source of a useful idiom for executing a function or
 performing an operation in list context and then counting the number of
 return values, by assigning to an empty list and then using that
-assignment in scalar context. For example, this code:
+assignment in scalar context.
     $count = () = $string =~ /\d+/g;
@@ -1384,14 +1380,13 @@
 =end original
-will place into $count the number of digit groups found in $string.
-This happens because the pattern match is in list context (since it
-is being assigned to the empty list), and will therefore return a list
-of all matching parts of the string. The list assignment in scalar
-context will translate that into the number of elements (here, the
-number of times the pattern matched) and assign that to $count. 
+$string の中で見つかった数字のグループの数を $count に設定します。
+数)に変換され、それが $count に代入されます。
     $count = $string =~ /\d+/g;
@@ -1727,13 +1722,12 @@
 =end original
-If you're confused about why you use an '@' there on a hash slice
-instead of a '%', think of it like this.  The type of bracket (square
-or curly) governs whether it's an array or a hash being looked at.
-On the other hand, the leading symbol ('$' or '@') on the array or
-hash indicates whether you are getting back a singular value (a
-scalar) or a plural one (a list).
+もし、なぜここでハッシュスライスに '%' ではなく '@' を使うのかについて
+一方、配列やハッシュの先頭の記号('$' か '@') は、返ってくるものが単一の
 =head2 Typeglobs and Filehandles
 X<typeglob> X<filehandle> X<*>

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