[perldocjp-cvs 1352] CVS update: docs/modules/constant-1.17

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2011年 9月 10日 (土) 05:38:41 JST

Index: docs/modules/constant-1.17/constant.pod
diff -u /dev/null docs/modules/constant-1.17/constant.pod:1.1
--- /dev/null	Sat Sep 10 05:38:41 2011
+++ docs/modules/constant-1.17/constant.pod	Sat Sep 10 05:38:41 2011
@@ -0,0 +1,582 @@
+=encoding euc-jp
+=head1 NAME
+=begin original
+constant - Perl pragma to declare constants
+=end original
+constant - 定数を宣言するための Perl プラグマ
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+    use constant PI    => 4 * atan2(1, 1);
+    use constant DEBUG => 0;
+    print "Pi equals ", PI, "...\n" if DEBUG;
+    use constant {
+        SEC   => 0,
+        MIN   => 1,
+        HOUR  => 2,
+        MDAY  => 3,
+        MON   => 4,
+        YEAR  => 5,
+        WDAY  => 6,
+        YDAY  => 7,
+        ISDST => 8,
+    };
+    use constant WEEKDAYS => qw(
+        Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
+    );
+    print "Today is ", (WEEKDAYS)[ (localtime)[WDAY] ], ".\n";
+=begin original
+This pragma allows you to declare constants at compile-time.
+=end original
+=begin original
+When you declare a constant such as C<PI> using the method shown
+above, each machine your script runs upon can have as many digits
+of accuracy as it can use. Also, your program will be easier to
+read, more likely to be maintained (and maintained correctly), and
+far less likely to send a space probe to the wrong planet because
+nobody noticed the one equation in which you wrote C<3.14195>.
+=end original
+上述の C<PI> のようにメソッドを使った定数を宣言すると、マシン毎に
+(そして正しく保守しやすく)なり、C<3.14195> と書いた一つの方程式に
+=begin original
+When a constant is used in an expression, Perl replaces it with its
+value at compile time, and may then optimize the expression further.
+In particular, any code in an C<if (CONSTANT)> block will be optimized
+away if the constant is false.
+=end original
+定数を式で使ったとき、Perl はこれをコンパイル時に値に置き換え、それから
+特に、C<if (CONSTANT)> ブロックにあるコードは、定数が偽の時には最適化されて
+=head1 NOTES
+=begin original
+As with all C<use> directives, defining a constant happens at
+compile time. Thus, it's probably not correct to put a constant
+declaration inside of a conditional statement (like C<if ($foo)
+{ use constant ... }>).
+=end original
+As with all C<use> directives, defining a constant happens at
+compile time. Thus, it's probably not correct to put a constant
+declaration inside of a conditional statement (like C<if ($foo)
+{ use constant ... }>).
+=begin original
+Constants defined using this module cannot be interpolated into
+strings like variables.  However, concatenation works just fine:
+=end original
+Constants defined using this module cannot be interpolated into
+strings like variables.  However, concatenation works just fine:
+    print "Pi equals PI...\n";        # WRONG: does not expand "PI"
+    print "Pi equals ".PI."...\n";    # right
+=begin original
+Even though a reference may be declared as a constant, the reference may
+point to data which may be changed, as this code shows.
+=end original
+Even though a reference may be declared as a constant, the reference may
+point to data which may be changed, as this code shows.
+    use constant ARRAY => [ 1,2,3,4 ];
+    print ARRAY->[1];
+    ARRAY->[1] = " be changed";
+    print ARRAY->[1];
+=begin original
+Dereferencing constant references incorrectly (such as using an array
+subscript on a constant hash reference, or vice versa) will be trapped at
+compile time.
+=end original
+Dereferencing constant references incorrectly (such as using an array
+subscript on a constant hash reference, or vice versa) will be trapped at
+compile time.
+=begin original
+Constants belong to the package they are defined in.  To refer to a
+constant defined in another package, specify the full package name, as
+in C<Some::Package::CONSTANT>.  Constants may be exported by modules,
+and may also be called as either class or instance methods, that is,
+as C<< Some::Package->CONSTANT >> or as C<< $obj->CONSTANT >> where
+C<$obj> is an instance of C<Some::Package>.  Subclasses may define
+their own constants to override those in their base class.
+=end original
+Constants belong to the package they are defined in.  To refer to a
+constant defined in another package, specify the full package name, as
+in C<Some::Package::CONSTANT>.  Constants may be exported by modules,
+and may also be called as either class or instance methods, that is,
+as C<< Some::Package->CONSTANT >> or as C<< $obj->CONSTANT >> where
+C<$obj> is an instance of C<Some::Package>.  Subclasses may define
+their own constants to override those in their base class.
+=begin original
+The use of all caps for constant names is merely a convention,
+although it is recommended in order to make constants stand out
+and to help avoid collisions with other barewords, keywords, and
+subroutine names. Constant names must begin with a letter or
+underscore. Names beginning with a double underscore are reserved. Some
+poor choices for names will generate warnings, if warnings are enabled at
+compile time.
+=end original
+The use of all caps for constant names is merely a convention,
+although it is recommended in order to make constants stand out
+and to help avoid collisions with other barewords, keywords, and
+subroutine names. Constant names must begin with a letter or
+underscore. Names beginning with a double underscore are reserved. Some
+poor choices for names will generate warnings, if warnings are enabled at
+compile time.
+=head2 List constants
+=begin original
+Constants may be lists of more (or less) than one value.  A constant
+with no values evaluates to C<undef> in scalar context.  Note that
+constants with more than one value do I<not> return their last value in
+scalar context as one might expect.  They currently return the number
+of values, but B<this may change in the future>.  Do not use constants
+with multiple values in scalar context.
+=end original
+Constants may be lists of more (or less) than one value.  A constant
+with no values evaluates to C<undef> in scalar context.  Note that
+constants with more than one value do I<not> return their last value in
+scalar context as one might expect.  They currently return the number
+of values, but B<this may change in the future>.  Do not use constants
+with multiple values in scalar context.
+=begin original
+B<NOTE:> This implies that the expression defining the value of a
+constant is evaluated in list context.  This may produce surprises:
+=end original
+B<NOTE:> This implies that the expression defining the value of a
+constant is evaluated in list context.  This may produce surprises:
+    use constant TIMESTAMP => localtime;                # WRONG!
+    use constant TIMESTAMP => scalar localtime;         # right
+=begin original
+The first line above defines C<TIMESTAMP> as a 9-element list, as
+returned by C<localtime()> in list context.  To set it to the string
+returned by C<localtime()> in scalar context, an explicit C<scalar>
+keyword is required.
+=end original
+The first line above defines C<TIMESTAMP> as a 9-element list, as
+returned by C<localtime()> in list context.  To set it to the string
+returned by C<localtime()> in scalar context, an explicit C<scalar>
+keyword is required.
+=begin original
+List constants are lists, not arrays.  To index or slice them, they
+must be placed in parentheses.
+=end original
+List constants are lists, not arrays.  To index or slice them, they
+must be placed in parentheses.
+    my @workdays = WEEKDAYS[1 .. 5];            # WRONG!
+    my @workdays = (WEEKDAYS)[1 .. 5];          # right
+=head2 Defining multiple constants at once
+=begin original
+Instead of writing multiple C<use constant> statements, you may define
+multiple constants in a single statement by giving, instead of the
+constant name, a reference to a hash where the keys are the names of
+the constants to be defined.  Obviously, all constants defined using
+this method must have a single value.
+=end original
+Instead of writing multiple C<use constant> statements, you may define
+multiple constants in a single statement by giving, instead of the
+constant name, a reference to a hash where the keys are the names of
+the constants to be defined.  Obviously, all constants defined using
+this method must have a single value.
+    use constant {
+        FOO => "A single value",
+        BAR => "This", "won't", "work!",        # Error!
+    };
+=begin original
+This is a fundamental limitation of the way hashes are constructed in
+Perl.  The error messages produced when this happens will often be
+quite cryptic -- in the worst case there may be none at all, and
+you'll only later find that something is broken.
+=end original
+This is a fundamental limitation of the way hashes are constructed in
+Perl.  The error messages produced when this happens will often be
+quite cryptic -- in the worst case there may be none at all, and
+you'll only later find that something is broken.
+=begin original
+When defining multiple constants, you cannot use the values of other
+constants defined in the same declaration.  This is because the
+calling package doesn't know about any constant within that group
+until I<after> the C<use> statement is finished.
+=end original
+When defining multiple constants, you cannot use the values of other
+constants defined in the same declaration.  This is because the
+calling package doesn't know about any constant within that group
+until I<after> the C<use> statement is finished.
+    use constant {
+        BITMASK => 0xAFBAEBA8,
+        NEGMASK => ~BITMASK,                    # Error!
+    };
+=head2 Magic constants
+=begin original
+Magical values and references can be made into constants at compile
+time, allowing for way cool stuff like this.  (These error numbers
+aren't totally portable, alas.)
+=end original
+Magical values and references can be made into constants at compile
+time, allowing for way cool stuff like this.  (These error numbers
+aren't totally portable, alas.)
+    use constant E2BIG => ($! = 7);
+    print   E2BIG, "\n";        # something like "Arg list too long"
+    print 0+E2BIG, "\n";        # "7"
+=begin original
+You can't produce a tied constant by giving a tied scalar as the
+value.  References to tied variables, however, can be used as
+constants without any problems.
+=end original
+You can't produce a tied constant by giving a tied scalar as the
+value.  References to tied variables, however, can be used as
+constants without any problems.
+=begin original
+In the current implementation, scalar constants are actually
+inlinable subroutines. As of version 5.004 of Perl, the appropriate
+scalar constant is inserted directly in place of some subroutine
+calls, thereby saving the overhead of a subroutine call. See
+L<perlsub/"Constant Functions"> for details about how and when this
+=end original
+In the current implementation, scalar constants are actually
+inlinable subroutines. As of version 5.004 of Perl, the appropriate
+scalar constant is inserted directly in place of some subroutine
+calls, thereby saving the overhead of a subroutine call. See
+L<perlsub/"Constant Functions"> for details about how and when this
+=begin original
+In the rare case in which you need to discover at run time whether a
+particular constant has been declared via this module, you may use
+this function to examine the hash C<%constant::declared>. If the given
+constant name does not include a package name, the current package is
+=end original
+In the rare case in which you need to discover at run time whether a
+particular constant has been declared via this module, you may use
+this function to examine the hash C<%constant::declared>. If the given
+constant name does not include a package name, the current package is
+    sub declared ($) {
+        use constant 1.01;              # don't omit this!
+        my $name = shift;
+        $name =~ s/^::/main::/;
+        my $pkg = caller;
+        my $full_name = $name =~ /::/ ? $name : "${pkg}::$name";
+        $constant::declared{$full_name};
+    }
+=head1 CAVEATS
+=begin original
+In the current version of Perl, list constants are not inlined
+and some symbols may be redefined without generating a warning.
+=end original
+In the current version of Perl, list constants are not inlined
+and some symbols may be redefined without generating a warning.
+=begin original
+It is not possible to have a subroutine or a keyword with the same
+name as a constant in the same package. This is probably a Good Thing.
+=end original
+It is not possible to have a subroutine or a keyword with the same
+name as a constant in the same package. This is probably a Good Thing.
+=begin original
+A constant with a name in the list C<STDIN STDOUT STDERR ARGV ARGVOUT
+ENV INC SIG> is not allowed anywhere but in package C<main::>, for
+technical reasons. 
+=end original
+A constant with a name in the list C<STDIN STDOUT STDERR ARGV ARGVOUT
+ENV INC SIG> is not allowed anywhere but in package C<main::>, for
+technical reasons. 
+=begin original
+Unlike constants in some languages, these cannot be overridden
+on the command line or via environment variables.
+=end original
+Unlike constants in some languages, these cannot be overridden
+on the command line or via environment variables.
+=begin original
+You can get into trouble if you use constants in a context which
+automatically quotes barewords (as is true for any subroutine call).
+For example, you can't say C<$hash{CONSTANT}> because C<CONSTANT> will
+be interpreted as a string.  Use C<$hash{CONSTANT()}> or
+C<$hash{+CONSTANT}> to prevent the bareword quoting mechanism from
+kicking in.  Similarly, since the C<< => >> operator quotes a bareword
+immediately to its left, you have to say C<< CONSTANT() => 'value' >>
+(or simply use a comma in place of the big arrow) instead of
+C<< CONSTANT => 'value' >>.
+=end original
+You can get into trouble if you use constants in a context which
+automatically quotes barewords (as is true for any subroutine call).
+For example, you can't say C<$hash{CONSTANT}> because C<CONSTANT> will
+be interpreted as a string.  Use C<$hash{CONSTANT()}> or
+C<$hash{+CONSTANT}> to prevent the bareword quoting mechanism from
+kicking in.  Similarly, since the C<< => >> operator quotes a bareword
+immediately to its left, you have to say C<< CONSTANT() => 'value' >>
+(or simply use a comma in place of the big arrow) instead of
+C<< CONSTANT => 'value' >>.
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+=begin original
+L<Readonly> - Facility for creating read-only scalars, arrays, hashes.
+=end original
+L<Readonly> - 読み込み専用のスカラ、配列、ハッシュを作る機能。
+=begin original
+L<Const> - Facility for creating read-only variables. Similar to C<Readonly>,
+but uses C<SvREADONLY> instead of C<tie>.
+=end original
+L<Const> - 読み込み専用の変数を作る機能。
+C<Readonly> と似ていますが、C<tie> ではなく C<SvREADONLY> を使います。
+=begin original
+L<Attribute::Constant> - Make read-only variables via attribute
+=end original
+L<Attribute::Constant> - 属性経由で読み込み専用変数を作る。
+=begin original
+L<Scalar::Readonly> - Perl extension to the C<SvREADONLY> scalar flag
+=end original
+L<Scalar::Readonly> - C<SvREADONLY> スカラフラグのための Perl エクステンション
+=begin original
+L<Hash::Util> - A selection of general-utility hash subroutines (mostly
+to lock/unlock keys and values)
+=end original
+L<Hash::Util> - 汎用ハッシュサブルーチンの集合 (ほとんどはキーと値を
+=head1 BUGS
+=begin original
+Please report any bugs or feature requests via the perlbug(1) utility.
+=end original
+バグや機能追加リクエストは perlbug(1) ユーティリティを使って送って下さい。
+=head1 AUTHORS
+=begin original
+Tom Phoenix, E<lt>F<rootb****@redca*****>E<gt>, with help from
+many other folks.
+=end original
+Tom Phoenix, E<lt>F<rootb****@redca*****>E<gt>, with help from
+many other folks.
+=begin original
+Multiple constant declarations at once added by Casey West,
+=end original
+Multiple constant declarations at once added by Casey West,
+=begin original
+Documentation mostly rewritten by Ilmari Karonen,
+=end original
+Documentation mostly rewritten by Ilmari Karonen,
+=begin original
+This program is maintained by the Perl 5 Porters. 
+The CPAN distribution is maintained by SE<eacute>bastien Aperghis-Tramoni
+=end original
+This program is maintained by the Perl 5 Porters. 
+The CPAN distribution is maintained by SE<eacute>bastien Aperghis-Tramoni
+Copyright (C) 1997, 1999 Tom Phoenix
+This module is free software; you can redistribute it or modify it
+under the same terms as Perl itself.

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