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Description du projet

PostgreSQL executes queries using cost-based optimizer, and sometimes fails to choose most optimized execution plan or some types of queries. In such cases, pg_hint_plan helps users to guide the planner to choose the plans they want by putting some nstructions - call them hints - in the comments prefixed to the SQL statement body. No need to rewrite statement tself nor change some GUC parameters elsewhere.

Système requise

System requirement is not defined

Livrée : 2019-01-17 17:24
pg_hint_plan for PostgreSQL 10 1.3.3 (3 files Cacher)

Notes de release

pg_hint_plan10 1.3.3 is released.

Fixed several bugs.

- Fixed failure on UNION on inheritance tables.
- Fixed failure on prepared statements over extended protocol.
- Fxied failure related to nested PL/PgSQL loops.

pg_hint_plan10 のバージョン 1.3.3 をリリースします


- 継承/パーティションテーブルをUNION内で使用した場合の適用失敗の修正。

- 拡張プロトコル上でプリペアド文を使用した場合の適用失敗の修正。

- PL/PgSQLで多重ループを使った場合などの適用失敗の修正。


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