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Description du projet

pg_store_plans records execution statistics for every selected plans and stores the execution plans. pg_store_plans is basically a derivative work of pg_stat_statements so it is very similar to pg_stat_plans since they share the same origin and cl...

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Livrée : 2019-01-22 20:21
pg_store_plans96 1.3 (3 files Cacher)

Notes de release

pg_store_plans96 1.3 released.

Fixed a bug may wrongly show a join in a textual plan as parallel when it is inner_unique.

pg_store_plans96 バージョン1.3をリリースします。

テキスト形式実行計画中のJOINが Inner uniqueであった場合に間違って Parallel を付加してしまう場合がある問題を修正しました。


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