[Phoby-users] Willy's next-door neighbor.

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ardently quxas****@easte*****
2007年 6月 19日 (火) 23:35:51 JST

Shooting in New York.
Good guy with no ambition whatsoever except to have the family he never had as a kid.
Also I would appreciate not receiving links to sites that contains your information. If you love to sing in the shower, or at work, in the car, or anywhere at all, then this is your chance to be a jukebox hero on a primetime network. 'The Mad Hatter' Marijuana smoking, high school drop-out. Brothers led him into a life of minor crime; he took the rap for them.
Sweet lady who doesn't know that her praises for Oriana's father are really rubbing her the wrong way. A stunning bombshell who lives what she considers to be a 'free' life.
'The Caterpillar' Disco dancing drug addict.
This is not a talent contest!
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